A curated list of awesome Beautiful Discord resources. Inspired by awesome-go.
This project attempts to make end-user life easier by requiring contributors to add working @import
able Embed links.
If you encounter a problem while installing BeautifulDiscord, or are not quite sure what to do and the instructions on the main repository aren't helping, click here for a more in-depth installation guide.
Please take a quick gander at the contribution guidelines first. Thanks to all contributors; you rock!
If you see a package or project here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you!
- AlexFlipnote/Discord_MaterialTheme - CSS that makes your Discord much better to look at. Embed
- eye-sigil/Discord-Prism - A transparent glass-like theme for Discord with support for your own background. Embed
- Screenshots: Preview
- jakeoid/Discord-Adapta - A Jakeoid remix of the BeautifulDiscord theme based on the Adapta GTK theme by TheBITLINK. Embed
- Screenshots: Preview
- LewisTehMinerz/BootyfulDiscord - A collection of things. | Theme based on TheBITLINK's Discord-Adapta, including most of the snippets. Embed
- Screenshots/Videos: General, Text Animations, Server/Channel Switching Animations, Other Animations, New Popup Menu, White Name Tag, Theme Dev Tag, Edited Pencil 1, Edited Pencil 2
- LUModder/Discord-SpacegrayEdit - A theme based on Spacegray syntax theme with color changes and classic, non-rounded embeds. Embed
- Screenshots: Codeblocks, General
- SamuiNe/Crystalline-css - Crystalline is a Beautiful Discord theme focused on using non-rounded edges, dark colors, and transparent windows. Custom background is supported. Embed
- Screenshots: General
- TheBITLINK/Discord-Adapta - Theme based on the Adapta GTK theme with optional character backgrounds. Embed
- Screenshots: General
- bubbie/discord-old-profile - Re-introduces the old user profile before it became all white and ugly :D Embed
- example: image
- jakeoid/disccord - adds the kikke, banne, mutte, deaffe, delette options to your discord client. Embed
- example: right click menu
- jakeoid/discord-emoji-anim - Adds some basic animations for Emoji that are inside of your Discord client. Embed
- examples: mp4, animated gif
- jakeoid/no-white-theme.css - Makes it so people who use the white theme of Discord are unable to use your style, with a fancy error message. Embed
- example: preview
- jakeoid/semi-monokai.css - Adds the basic compatability for monokai formatting inside of Discord. Embed
- examples: preview
- kanadeko/cozy-discord - Auto hides the server list and makes it appear again on hover. Also moves notifications/badges to the left and makes them pretty. Embed
- example: animated
- LUModder/Discord-ThemeSniplets/classic-embeds.css - Classic, non-rounded embeds. Embed
- example: preview
- LUModder/Discord-ThemeSniplets/transparent-base.css - A transparent base for easily adding in backgrounds. Embed
- martmists/Discord-DnD - A snippet that adds the Dungeons and Dragons to the status list. Embed
- Screenshots: preview (Custom dark selector not included)
- martmists/DiscordFonts - A snippet that supplies fonts that look nice. Embed
- Screenshots: Codeblocks, Text, Channel list, Member List, Member Roles, Embeds
- ovyerus/discord-buttons-round.css - Edits the account and voice panel buttons to be a pill shape and no dividers. Embed
- example: preview
- PikaDude/Discord-Fade-Anims - Adds fading animations to almost everything in Discord. Embed
- example: channel change, user profile
- SpoopySaitama/discord-css/hljs-tomorrow-night-custom - Changes default codeblock highlighting into a dark theme inspired by Tomorrow Night. Embed
- example: markdown
- SpoopySaitama/discord-css/striped-user-popout - Makes user profile popouts have an animated, striped background. Embed
- example: animated
- TriggerRimfire/discord-avatar-shadow.css - Adds a slight shadow effect to avatars. (more noticeable on themes with opacity) Embed
- example: preview
- TripingPC/discord-CSSes - Applies various tweaks including a custom playing prefix, bigger nicknames and status-based background-color for user popout headers. Embed
- example: image
- Vap0r1ze/Discord-Nitro-Badges - Gives Nitro users cool badges. This only works for Nitro users with gif avatars, sorry. Embed
- example: image
* [username/repo_name](link_to_repo) - short_description [Embed](https://cdn.rawgit.com/...)