
nci project for erc20 interaction

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the readme for this project. It will include any useful links and commands to run.

Install Visual Studio Code


Install Git

  1. get a github account at github.com

  2. install git locally


Install NodeJs

Install following the instructions at the following web page:


Cloning a Repository

Create a folder for your college projects. Go into that folder.

Inside that college folder, run:

git clone https://github.com/eoinco/nci_2021.git

Updating Code in Repo from Github

From the terminal in Visual Studio Code (or from the command line - as long as you are in the folder), run the following command:

git pull origin main

for the moment

you need git, nodejs and vs code installed.

Validation Steps

How to tell you have git installed:

$git version

How to tell you have node installed:

$node -v

Using your own repo

First, create a repo in github.

git clone into a folder

make your changes

then run the following commands:

$git add <your updated files>

$git commit -m "<your commit message>"

$git push origin main

Executing a .JS file

To execute a javascript file using node.js, run the following command:

$node <file name>

Dependencies and NPM

We want to use large chunks of code that others have written to interact with Ethereum, like the web3 package. Do this, we need to set up the Node Package Manager (npm).

From inside your folder, to create your own package.json:

$npm init