Django trainings
Loosely Coupled − Django aims to make each element of its stack independent of the others.
Less Coding − Less code so in turn a quick development.
Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) − Everything should be developed only in exactly one place instead of repeating it again and again.
Fast Development − Django's philosophy is to do all it can to facilitate hyper-fast development.
Clean Design − Django strictly maintains a clean design throughout its own code and makes it easy to follow best web-development practices.
- get_object_or_404()
- render()
- django.shortcuts module. django.urls.reverse ?
- url ref :
- Avoiding race conditions using F() (2 user same database)
- Generic Vivew
- admin, add item cant leave input blank.
- log in page UI.
- order summary page, item order changes.. ( research for order_by method)