Gerar um Gemfile ...
source ''
gem 'cocoapods', '> 1.6.1'
gem 'fastlane', '> 2.117.1'
bundle install
Alterar o PodFile:
target 'Cocoacasts' do
platform :ios, '12.0'
pod 'KeychainAccess', '> 3.1.2'
pod 'ReachabilitySwift', '> 4.3.0'
pod 'Reveal-SDK', configurations: ['Debug']
target 'CocoacastsTests' do
inherit! :search_paths
target 'CocoacastsUITests' do
inherit! :search_paths
bundle exec pod install
.gitignore file for Xcode4 / OS X Source projects
NB: if you are storing "built" products, this WILL NOT WORK,
and you should use a different .gitignore (or none at all)
This file is for SOURCE projects, where there are many extra
files that we want to exclude
OS X temporary files that should never be committed
Xcode temporary files that should never be committed
NB: NIB/XIB files still exist even on Storyboard projects, so we want this...
NB: slash on the end, so we only remove the FOLDER, not any files that were badly named "DerivedData"
NB: slash on the end, so we only remove the FOLDER, not any files that were badly named "build"
Xcode private settings (window sizes, bookmarks, breakpoints, custom executables, smart groups)
SOMETIMES you need to put this file in version control.
Apple designed it poorly - if you use "custom executables", they are
99% of projects do NOT use those, so they do NOT want to version control this file.
..but if you're in the 1%, comment out the line "*.pbxuser"
NB: also, whitelist the default ones, some projects need to use these
Xcode 4 - semi-personal settings, often included in workspaces
You can safely ignore the xcuserdata files - but do NOT ignore the files next to them
XCode 4 workspaces - more detailed
Workspaces are important! They are a core feature of Xcode - don't exclude them :)
Workspace layout is quite spammy. For reference:
Xcode 4 workspaces - SHARED
This is UNDOCUMENTED (google: " xcshareddata" - 0 results
But if you're going to kill personal workspaces, at least keep the shared ones...
PRIVATE ones are stored inside xcuserdata
Xcode 4 - Deprecated classes
Allegedly, if you manually "deprecate" your classes, they get moved here.
We're using source-control, so this is a "feature" that we do not want!