An all-in-one solution to fulfill your .NET dark web needs.
Learn more about Tor here.
This library is built over Tor.NET - thanks to Chris Copeland.
Install-Package Tor4NET
dotnet add PROJECT package Tor4NET
// Directory where Tor files are going to be stored.
// If the directory does not exist, it will create one.
var torDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "Tor4NET");
// Use 64-bit Tor with 64-bit process.
// It's *very* important for the architecture of Tor process match the one used by your app.
// If no parameter is given Tor constructor will check Environment.Is64BitProcess property (the same one as below).
var is32Bit = !Environment.Is64BitProcess;
var tor = new Tor(torDirectory, is32Bit);
// Check for updates and install latest version.
if (tor.CheckForUpdates().Result)
// Disposing the client will exit the Tor process automatically.
using (var client = tor.InitializeClient())
var http = new WebClient
// And now let's use Tor as a proxy.
Proxy = client.Proxy.WebProxy
var html = http.DownloadString("http://facebookcorewwwi.onion");
// Finally, you can remove all previously downloaded Tor files (optional).
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