Access Control

Author: OhGeezCmon

Description: Allows a set of predefined Admins to give admin access to a range of game objects. Useful for ensuring only certain players can access certain objects.

Installation Guide

Simply download and import the latest Unity Package from Releases on GitHub

Relies on TextMeshPro so if you get a popup click at least "Import TMP Essentials".

How to Use

  • Any players that you would like to have permanent access add to the "Players With Starting Access" variable on "AccessController"
  • Set which objects are privileged to the "Controls" variable on "AccessController". Ensure they are disabled before you upload the world
  • (Optional) Set which objects are to be disabled to the "Negative Controls" variable on "AccessController". Ensure they are enabled before you upload the world
  • Once in the world follow the directions on the control pad. Click on a player to enable Admin access. Admins will see not only the "Control" objects but also the Controller itself
  • NOTE Admins can remove or add other Admins and Players, but not themselves. This is to prevent accidentally removing your own access
  • Instance Owners (Red), Master (Green) and Permanent Players (Yellow) cannot be removed

Example Usage


The following assets were used under the Creative Commons license:

Contacting Me

Feel free to contact me on Discord (ohgeezcmon) or leave a suggestion or issue on the Issues page.