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A 10 week course introducing students to basic coding skills and how to work with coders within an advertising agency or organization.
Try examples: https://ohjia.github.io/Coding4Creatives-S17-2/
- Instructor: Jiashan Wu. Email: hello@fromjia.com
- Class Schedule: Wednesdays, 10 - 1pm
- Sign up for the mailing list
- Google drive
Grades will be determined according to the following breakdowns:
- 35% Assignments
- 35% Class Participation
- 20% Final Project
- 10% Presentation
- Introductions
- Syllabus review & expectations
- Technologies past, present and future
- Overview of computers and the internet
- input/process/memory/output (CPU & memory)
- Software and hardware
- Operating system, programs/apps
- Terminal/command line
- Client, server and browser
- In-class setup
- Download Sublime Text 2 for OSX
- Install Node.js (v6.10.2)
- Install http-server
- Terminal & commands overview
Week 1 slides / Week 1 Assignment
- Reviews
- Terminal commands
- Class links & tools
- Reading discussion
- Go over assignments & in class workshop
- More on the internet
- Networks
- Security
- Networks
- Web development overview
- Front end vs. back end development
- Local vs. cloud hosting/services
- Working with developers
- Phases: dev, staging, live
- What is open source code
- Guest speaker
Week 2 slides / Week 2 Assignment
- Reviews
- Assignments
- HTML/CSS review
- Internet
- Reading discussion
- What is Document Object Model (Q&As)
- More CSS & introduction to Bootstrap (CSS)
- Using developer tool
- Creative browser experiments
- Chrome Experiments
- Codedoodles
- Creative coding JavaScript libraries
- In class workshop: using p5.js
- Make up class schedule
Week 4 slides / Week 4 Assignment
- reviews
- assignment
- developer tool
- JS libraries
- What is an algorithm
- Class exercise: break a problem into a set of instructions
- Fundamentals of programming
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Brief introduction to programming languages
- Syntax
- JS Syntax
- Evolution of JavaScript: front end to back end
- Front end JavaScript
- Examples
- Introduction to p5.js
- What is JS library
- What is canvas
- p5.js examples and p5.js mobile examples
- intro to variables, functions, and JS objects
- setup() and draw() (flow)
- events: mousePressed()
- Assign groups for presentation (starting Week 6)
Week 5 slides / Week 5 Assignment: Start early! It'll take time to get through the tutorial videos and the coding assignment.
- In class workshop
- Q&As
- One-on-ones: final project, debugging, etc.
- Assignment review
- Programming concepts (using p5.js)
- Review (Q&A)
- Booleans
- Conditionals
- Arrays
- Talk about final project
Week 6 slides / Week 6 Assignment: Start early! It'll take time to get through the tutorial videos and the coding assignment.
- Group presentation: mobile & sensor
- Show final project ideas
- Assignment review
- Programming concepts (using p5.js)
- Review (Q&A): Loops, Arrays
- Object oriented programming overview
- Objects
- Classes
- Constructors
Week 7 slides / Start working on final project. Present progress (updated sketches/mockups and code) next week.
- Object oriented programming review
- Group presentation: virtual reality & augmented reality
- Present final project mockups/sketches/storyboards
- In class work session
- final project one-on-ones
- Hololens & Cardboard demos
Working on final project. Present progress (working prototype) next week.
- Group presentation
- Present final project progress or final (Gian & Hortense)
- In class work session
- Hosting with Github pages
- final project one-on-ones
Working on final project. Present finals next week.
- Guest speaker
- Final project presentations