#UN Immersive Data Visualization Examples

This project was created as a few examples for a workshop in immersive data visualization at the UN on October 30th, 2015.These examples hope to explore a series of projects that combine THREE.js, D3, and Virtual Reality.

This was inspired from a tutorial I found on Storybench. Source code here.

I adapted the tutorial to use the webvr-boilerplate.

I also added a Chrome experiments style reticule, adapted from a small reticle THREE.js library I found on github.


basic.html: a basic THREE.js sketch with no VR or D3 basic-with-vr.html: a simple THREE.js sketch configured for use with VR bar-chart-vr.html: a interactive bar chart example, combining THREE.js, D3, and VR map-vr.html: an interactive map example, combining THREE.js, D3, and VR

#Installation and Setup

  1. Clone this repository, or if you don't have a github account, download a zip of this repository.

  2. Install node and npm by downloading the installer on Nodejs.org.

  3. Install localtunnel by running npm install -g localtunnel.

  4. Install http-server by running npm install -g http-server.

  5. Open a terminal and cd to the project directory.

  6. In the project directory, run http-server.

  7. In a new terminal window, run lt --port 8080.

  8. On your phone, navigate to the url that localtunnel spits out. The url is a little annoying to type, so I recommend using a url shortener. If the name of your html file is not index.html, you will need to navigate to the url/name-of-html-page.html.