A library for the Windows OS registry CLI. Requires Deno run permission for all of the functions. Input is not sanitized so DO NOT ALLOW USER INPUT.
import * as winreg from 'https://deno.land/x/winreg@v0.1/index.ts'
Queries for a KeyName with options a second parameter contained in an object. The following is a list of the options in that object. It's important to note that the searchX options only work when the searchPattern option is provided. DO NOT ALLOW USER INPUT
Adds a registry entry at the provided KeyName, this doesn't require any kind of prompt it just overwrites whatever is there so DO NOT ALLOW USER INPUT.
Deletes a registry entry at the provided KeyName, doesn't prompt you for confirmation so be careful. Also DO NOT ALLOW USER INPUT.
Copies one registry entry at KeyName1 to KeyName2. Does not prompt for confirmation so be careful. DO NOT ALLOW USER INPUT.
Saves a registry entry at KeyName to FileName. Automatically overwrites the file at FileName. I don't think I can make this more clear, DO NOT ALLOW USER INPUT.
Restores a registry entry from FileName to KeyName. DO NOT ALLOW USER INPUT.
Loads a registry entry from FileName to KeyName. DO NOT ALLOW USER INPUT.
Unloads the registry entry at KeyName location. DO NOT ALLOW USER INPUT.
Compares two registry locations at the given locations. DO NOT ALLOW USER INPUT
The symbols at the front of each outputted line are defined as:
= means FullKey1 data is equal to FullKey2 data
< refers to FullKey1 data and is different than FullKey2 data
> refers to FullKey2 data and is different than Fullkey1 data
await compare('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Valve', 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Valve\\Steam');
Exports all keys and subkeys to a .reg file at the specificed FileName location. DO NOT ALLOW USER INPUT
Imports all keys in a .reg file provided to your registry. DO NOT ALLOW USER INPUT
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