
Transmission web GUI for Docker

Primary LanguageShell


This is a user centric release of Transmission for Docker. When a user executes "install.sh" it automaticaly creates the mapped volumes in their home directory, assigns unused ports to the container, and runs the container proccess using their UID and GID giving them full ownership of any files created by the container process. Unlike other Transmission examples for Docker, this one is persistent even after being restarted, or rebuilt. Best of all it supports multiple isolated users!

This is still a "very alpha" release. Please check back for the finished project.

Persistent user directories:





-Debian/Ubuntu base OS (other flavors untested yet)

-Docker v1.6

-Installing user must be in "docker" group


Clone the project

git clone https://github.com/Ohge/docker-transmission.git

Execute the build script





Open your browser to start using the Transmission torrent client


Future releases

-Add bookmarks RSS file to users home dir during install and uninstall of apps.

-Switch to init.d daemon start/stop/reload methods, and "tail -f" the transmission log file as CMD.

-Add external scripts to users home dir that use "docker exec" to call the start/stop/reload commands.

-Test if containers need to be restarted on reboot.