
Realistic Atmospheres - a KSP mod.


Realistic Atmospheres

This mod is licensed by Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND



  • Updated HazardousBody for Kopernicus v1.8.1.
  • Updated Tylo atmosphere for Scatterer 0.055.


Realistic Atmospheres modifies the atmospheres of all planets and moons to conform to a more lifelike model. Temperature-height profiles are based on real life celestial bodies of similar type. Pressure-height models have been developed consistent with each celestial body's physical characteristics, and using real life gas laws. Models have been developed at real scale, and then scaled down to better fit the smaller size of the KSP universe.

While some properties of the original atmospheres have been preserved, Realistic Atmosphere is a complete makeover. Don’t expect what you know about the stock game to exist in Realistic Atmospheres. You may encounter a planet's atmosphere much sooner or later than you are accustomed to, and with different behavior, so beware.

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the third party mod Kopernicus. The Kopernicus version number must match the KSP version number.

  2. Install by copying from [Kopernicus Download]\GameData\ to [KSP]\GameData\ the following folders and files:

    • Kopernicus
    • ModularFlightIntergrator
    • ModuleManager
  3. Download Realistic Atmospheres v1.3.2

  4. Copy from [RealisticAtmospheres Download]\GameData\ to [KSP]\GameData\ the folder RealisticAtmospheres and all its contents.


  1. If you want Tylo to remain an airless body, delete its atmosphere by copying the file DeleteTyloAtmo.cfg to GameData\RealisticAtmospheres.

  2. If you want Eve to retain its original 5-atmosphere surface pressure, copy the file EasierEve5atm.cfg to GameData\RealisticAtmospheres.