
OSINT cheat sheet, list OSINT tools, dataset, article, book and OSINT tips


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Contains a list of OSINT tools, OSINT tips, datasets, Maltego transform and others. There are free and paid tools you can use and owner is not responsible, only for knowledge or educational purposes. Sorry if some of the resources have closed the service or error owner doesn't always check what's going on with the resources here, thank you


#Exif tag name and data type

Artist string

Author string

Caption string

Categories string

Collections string

DateTime date

DPP lang-alt

EditStatus string

FixtureIdentifier string

Keywords string

Notes string

ObjectCycle string

OriginatingProgram string

Rating real

Rawrppused boolean

ReleaseDate string

ReleaseTime string

RPP lang-alt

Snapshots string

Tagged boolean

More : man exiftool (Run on your terminal)

Site :

#Write metadata

  • exiftool -tagname="string" file

example : exiftool -Author="Bayu" test.txt

you can add multiple tag and multiple file

#Delete metadata

  • exiftool -tagname="" file

example : exiftool -Author="" test.txt

#Delete mass metadata

  • exiftool -all="" file

example : exiftool -all="" file

#Usage : man exiftool or read documentation exiftool.org

Not there are tag no writetable, make sure tagname can write


Use fresh file, if your file has been compressed or edit metadata you got a default metadata You can use xmp format for edit, write and delete metadata Check the documentation


Collection Dataset


General Search

Meta Search

Code Search

Competitive Programming

File & FTP

Social Media Search and Monitoring

Social Media Management and Content Discovery

Web Intelligence

Analysing URLs

Researching Cyber Threats

IoT Search Engines

IP Addresses

  • Whats my ip This tools can show your ip address isp provider
  • Ip 2 location This tools can show your ip address isp provider and geo location

Wireless Network

SOC & Threat Hunting


You can find the file hash or other threat indicator


Dorking is a wonderful thing, you can use this technique to search for anything such as index of a website, looking for live online camera server and other specifics, as for dorking commands that you can do for example

  1. intitle: Search for specific titles
  2. inurl: Search for specific urls or paths
  3. intext: Search for specific words or contects
  4. filetype: Search for files
  5. site: Search from a specified target
  6. Wildcard or symbol * (star) Find all web pages, for example: seccodeid*
  7. Define:term Search for all things with specified terms, example define:seccodeid
  8. cache page Take a snapshot of an indexed page. Google uses this to find the right page for the query you're looking for. Website or target specifically
  9. allintext: Searches for specific text contained on a web page
  10. allinurl: Find various keywords in a URL
  11. allintitle: Restricts results to those containing all terms specified in a title
  12. link: List of web pages that have links to the specified URL
  13. (|) Pipe. This is a logical operator, | "tips" will show all the sites which contain either, or both words
  14. (+) Used to concatenate words, useful to detect pages that use more than one specific key
  15. (-) Minus operator avoids showing results that contain certain words, e.g. security -trails will show pages that use "security" in their text, but not those that have the word "trails"


intext:"hacking" site:seccodeid.com site:www.github.com ext:doc | ext:docx | ext:odt | ext:rtf | ext:sxw | ext:psw | ext:ppt | ext:pptx | ext:pps | ext:csv

Google Advanced Search Tools

Other Search Engines

Internet Archive

Data Breached OSINT

Crack Jurnals

  • SCI HUB This domain will always change

Search Jurnals

Blogs Search Engine

Darkweb Search Engines

Tracking Website Changes

Company Reconnaissance Sites (Passive)

People Searching

Phone Numbers

Public Records

Finding Usernames

Social Networks

Google Queries for Facebook

Group Search: site:facebook.com inurl:group

Group Wall Posts Search: site:facebook.com inurl:wall

Pages Search: site:facebook.com inurl:pages

Public Profiles: allinurl: people ‘‘name’’ site:facebook.com

Facebook Query Language (FQL)

Photos By - https://www.facebook.com/search/taget_id/photos-by

Photos Liked - https://www.facebook.com/search/taget_id/photos-liked

Photos Of - https://www.facebook.com/search/taget_id/photos-of

Comments - https://www.facebook.com/search/taget_id/photos-commented

Friends - https://www.facebook.com/search/taget_id/friends

Videos Tagged - https://www.facebook.com/search/taget_id/videos

Videos By - https://www.facebook.com/search/taget_id/videos-by

Videos Liked - https://www.facebook.com/search/taget_id/videos-liked

Videos Commented - https://www.facebook.com/search/taget_id/videos-commented

Events Attended - https://www.facebook.com/search/taget_id/events-joined

Relatives - https://www.facebook.com/search/taget_id/relatives

or you can use dork for spesific example

id site:facebook.com

page site: facebook.com

id site:facebook.com *

page site: facebook.com *

The Ultimate Facebook Investigation Tool




Twitter Search Engines


Google queries for LinkedIn

Public Profiles: site:linkedin.com inurl:pub

Updated Profiles: site:linkedin.com inurl:updates

Company Profiles: site:linkedin.com inurl:companies


Google queries for MySpace

Profiles: site: myspace.com inurl:profile

Blogs: site:myspace.com inurl:blogs

Videos: site:myspace.com inurl:vids

Jobs: site:myspace.com inurl:jobs

Videos: site:myspace.com ‘‘TARGET NAME’’ ‘‘videos’’

Comments: site:myspace.com ‘‘TARGET NAME’’ ‘‘comments’’

Friends: site:myspace.com ‘‘TARGET NAME’’ ‘‘friends’’


Social Network Search Engines

Monitoring & Alerting

EXIF Analysis


Email Tracing

IoT – Internet of Things

Shodan Query Options



Capturing Information


OSINT Online Tool

Telegram Tool

Search channel, username anymore

Document and Slides Search

Real-Time Search, Social Media Search, and General Social Media Tools

Image Search

Image Analysis

Stock Images

Video Search and Other Video Tools

Geospatial Research and Mapping Tools

Fact Checking

Server Information Gathering

CTF Analysis & Exploit

  • Cybercheff
  • Bettercap Framework to perform MITM (Man in the Middle) attacks.
  • Yersinia A framework for layer 2 attacks
  • FeatherDuster An automated, modular cryptanalysis tool
  • Hash Extender A utility tool for performing hash length extension attacks
  • Hashcat Password cracking
  • DLLInjector Inject dlls in processes
  • Metasploit Penetration testing software and exploit
  • Pwntools CTF framework and exploit development library
  • ROPgadget Framework for ROP exploitation
  • Exiftool Read, write and edit file metadata
  • Malzilla Malware hunting tool
  • Zmap An open-source network scanner.
  • Nmap Net mapping and port scanner
  • Wireshark Analyze the network dumps
  • Apktool Android Decompiler
  • Ninja Binary Binary analysis framework
  • Binwalk Analyze, reverse engineer, and extract firmware images
  • GDB The GNU project debugger
  • GEF Advanced debugging capabilities for exploit devs & reverse engineers on Linux
  • IDA Most used Reversing software
  • PEDA Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB
  • Radare2 UNIX-like reverse engineering framework and command-line toolset
  • Windbg Windows debugger distributed by Microsoft
  • Boomerang Decompile x86 binaries to C
  • Detox A Javascript malware analysis tool
  • SmartDeblur Restoration of defocused and blurred photos/images
  • HitPaw Enhance image, video and media quality with AI is free and paid
  • ImageMagick Tool for manipulating images
  • Exiv2 Image metadata manipulation tool
  • Stegbreak Launches brute-force dictionary attacks on JPG image
  • Steghide Hide data in various kind of images
  • Stegsolve Apply various steganography techniques to images
  • SearchSploit Command line search tool for Exploit-DB
  • Exploitalert List exploiting and vuln
  • Lollabs Windows exploiting
  • GtfoBins Linux exploiting
  • Hacktricks List exploit and vuln cheat sheet walkthrough
  • Payload all the things Example and payload injection
  • All about bug bounty Bypasses, payloads, Reconnaissance and etc
  • Searchsploit Search more exploit from edb

Zero Day

Cryptocurrency Investigation

Cell Investigation

IMEI Investigation

Chat Apps Investigation



Build Sockpuppet Accounts

Build your sockpuppet account and proctect your privacy

Social Network and blogging

  • Wordpress
  • Blogger
  • Medium
  • Facebook
  • Instagram

Enhance Image Quality

Locations Data Mapping

Discord Server Search

Darkweb Intelligence

Digital Forensics

Write Your Investigation

Securing Your Privacy


Fraud Checker

Content Removal & Strict Media content

Strict, removing and minimize your data on the internet

*NB : Its taking to long, you need to patiently