
Analysis of the Sakila Database

Sakila Database Study


A basic study was conducted of the Sakila Database. All queries were performed in Sakila_Study.sql and are summarize below.

A complete Enhanced entity–relationship (EER) model of the Sakila Database is included

The difference between dataypes TEXT and BLOB:
- TEXT/BLOB: NOT stored in a table, but pointer to memory is mapped.
- VARCHAR: strings stored within a table in the database.

  • 1

    a. Display the first and last names of all actors from the table actor.
    b. Display the first & last name of each actor using all upper case in a single column titled Actor Name.

  • 2

    a. Given an actor's 1st name ('Joe'), How would you query their ID number, last name, (and first name)?
    b. Find all actors whose last name contains the letters GEN.
    c. Find all actors whose last name contains letters LI, & order the rows by last name then first name.
    d. Using IN, display country_id & country of the following: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, & China.

  • 3

    a. For a place to store actor descriptions, create actor.description and use the data type BLOB.
    b. Delete the description column.

  • 4

    a. List the last names of actors, as well as the number of records sharing that last name.
    b. List last names of actors, & the number of records sharing that last name, only for shared names.
    c. Write a Corrective Query to Change actor GROUCHO WILLIAMS to HARPO WILLIAMS.
    d. Change it back: If the first name of the actor is currently HARPO, change it to GROUCHO.

  • 5

    a. You cannot locate the schema of the address table. Which query would you use to re-create it?

  • 6

    a. Use JOIN to display the first and last names, as well as the address, of each staff member.
    b. Use JOIN to display total staff member sales in August 2005. Use tables staff & payment.
    c. List each film & number of actors listed for it. Use INNER JOIN on tables film_actor & film.
    d. How many copies of the film Hunchback Impossible exist in the inventory system?
    e. JOIN tables payment & customer & list total paid per customer, sorting last name alphabetically.

  • 7

    a. Use subqueries to display titles of movies starting w/ letters K & Q whose language is English.
    b. Use subqueries to display all actors who appear in the film Alone Trip.
    c. Retrieve names & email addresses of all Canadian customers using JOINs.
    d. Query all films in the category 'Family'.
    e. Display the most frequently rented movies in descending order.
    f. Write a query to display how much business, in dollars, each store brought in.
    g. Write a query to display for each store its store ID, city, and country.
    h. What are the top 5 genres in gross revenue (descending order).

  • 8

    a. Create view for top 5 genres in gross revenue (solution of 7h).
    b. How would you display the view that you created in 8a?
    c. You find that you no longer need the view top_five_genres. Write a query to delete it.