
Foundry test utils.

Primary LanguageSolidity

Forge test-utils

For all of below except the user factory you will need to add your own types if they are not provided. Feel free to PR them.

Showcase of most important


using larping for *;
ohm.transfer.larp(target, amount, true); // mock a true return, via vm.mockCall
ohm.balanceOf(target, amount); // mock return amount... view function
// larpp is for payable


using errors for *;
SomeError.selector.with(<some data>); // via vm.expectRevert... <some data> is expected args


uint128 x = uint64(5).c64u128u();
x = uint64(5).c64u128ushl(2);
x = uint64(5).c64u128ushr(2); // be careful with shifting


UserFactory factory = new UserFactory();
address someUser = factory.next();
address[] memory users = factory.create(40);
// users are distinct


using coins for *;
coins.ohm; // ohm address
coins.usdc; // usdc address


contract Tester is Test, Permutations {
    function test() external {
        uint256[] memory input = new uint256[](4);
        input[0= 1;
        input[1= 2;
        input[2= 3;
        input[3= 4;

        uint256[] memory result = permuteBy(13, input, false); // take 12th permutation of input and don't del data afterwards
        result = permutation(17, true); // take 16th and delete
        result = permutation(15, true); // this will fail