
A serverless webapp to vote on bills in the Oireachtas this week.

Public Votes

Ever considered running for election?

One of the hardest things for a first time election candidate, is to prove that they really are who they say they are; That they'll do what they say they do. That they're different from all the other. That they represent you. That they're better than the incumbent.

First time candidates don't have a voting record they can point to to prove to the elctorate that they will do what they say. They don't neccessarily have a public record, a history of voting in the public's best interest.

Public votes gives citizens a chance to cast their votes alongside their elected representatives, using the permanence of Blockchain data to lock in their vote onto the Ethereum main net. That way, citizens can build an unchangeable historic record of how they voted alongside their TDs. Such that should a citizen ever run for election. They have a provable historical record of voting history, and incumbents versus first-time candidates can be compared like for like on how they voted, not on what they promise.