
special effects collection for cocos2dx

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

EffectNodes for Cocos2dx

by yang chao (wantnon), 2014-6-26

EffectNodes for Cocos2dx is a collection of 2d special effects implemented with cocos2dx. i will add more when i got good effects.
BTW: if you found good effects or tutorials, please give me a link, i will try to study it and maybe implement it in this project.

EffectNodes is based on cocos2d-x 2.2.0

currently, iOS, Mac and Win32 project are available.

how to run the demo: http://git.oschina.net/wantnon2/EffectNodes-for-Cocos2dx/wikis/how-to-run-the-demo
如何运行demo: http://git.oschina.net/wantnon2/EffectNodes-for-Cocos2dx/wikis/如何运行demo

here is executable for win32 and mac: http://git.oschina.net/wantnon2/EffectNodes-for-Cocos2dx/attach_files






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