
Guess The Number

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Guess The Number

Guess the Number is a simple game made using Python. Your Enemy, the CPU, trys to out smart you letting you learn its pattern while in the end mixing it up and letting you lose.

How does it work

The Computer randomizes a area where the number will be randomized in.

while foundArea == False:

    a = randint(0, 150)
    b = randint(0, 150)


    if a >= b or b <= a:


    if (a + 2) >= b or (b - 10) >= a:

        # Makes sure that its fair for the player



        foundArea = True

Then the Computer randomizes the final number

c = randint(a,b)

Then we get the answer from the player

print("Guess the number that I am thinking of. The Number is " + str(a) + "-" + str(b))

while AnswerFound == False:

    d = input("| ")

Finally we detect if the answer is correct or incorrect. If it is incorrect we try to find out if it is lower then the answer or higher.

    if d == str(c):

        AnswerFound = True



            if round( int(d) ) <= c:

                print("Too Low")

            if round( int(d) ) >= c:

                print("Too High")


        except Exception as err:

            print("Please Only Insert Numbers")

To Do

  • Add a Points System
  • Improve this README