- 1
Enable custom string formats for StringType
#157 opened by OkieOth - 1
Min, Max constrains get lost
#155 opened by OkieOth - 0
add comments from the schemas to the yacg model
#152 opened by OkieOth - 0
Arrays as Dictionary values doesn't work
#142 opened by OkieOth - 3
- 1
arrays as values form dictionary types
#127 opened by OkieOth - 1
only two level of dictionaries are working
#128 opened by OkieOth - 0
What about default values for arrays?
#126 opened by OkieOth - 0
- 1
add schema validation option to yacg
#120 opened by OkieOth - 1
Enable number based enum types
#116 opened by OkieOth - 1
Implement top references on type declarations
#111 opened by OkieOth - 0
- 0
review asyncapi header type
#108 opened by OkieOth - 1
operationId is optional in openApi spec
#64 opened by OkieOth - 0
A Union-Type would be nice
#104 opened by OkieOth - 0
tests for python dictToObject functions
#11 opened by OkieOth - 1
move to named format strings
#36 opened by OkieOth - 8
top level array type not supported
#73 opened by OkieOth - 1
multiple tags with values are not detected
#102 opened by OkieOth - 0
required in allOf situations
#92 opened by OkieOth - 1
Add support for AsyncApi
#45 opened by OkieOth - 1
Add headers to Message type in AsyncApi
#79 opened by OkieOth - 1
- 0
- 0
Respect more OpenApi spec parts
#78 opened by OkieOth - 1
Arrays of arrays not supported
#74 opened by OkieOth - 1
StringType validation
#55 opened by OkieOth - 0
enable oneOf required
#52 opened by OkieOth - 3
pythonBeans and pythonBeansTests not handling enums containing strings starting with number correctly
#46 opened by Juha-Ylikoski-Treon - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Use XSDs as model input
#21 opened by OkieOth - 1
Implement external EnumTypes
#14 opened by OkieOth - 1
model for swagger/openapi files
#6 opened by OkieOth - 1