
Easily sanitize your request inputs.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Easily sanitize your request inputs

Source Code Latest Version Total Downloads License: MIT Build Status Coverage Status Quality Score

Sanitize your request inputs with the following features :


Laravel version PHP version Package version
^5.5 ^7.1 ^1.1
^5.0 ^7.0 ^1.0

Table of Contents


  • Install the package with composer :
composer require "okipa/laravel-request-sanitizer:^1.1"
  • Extends the Okipa\LaravelRequestSanitizer\RequestSanitizer in your app/Http/Requests/Request.php class.

use Okipa\LaravelRequestSanitizer\RequestSanitizer;

class Request extends RequestSanitizer
    // your laravel project base request custom features.



namespace App\Http\Requests;

use Okipa\LaravelRequestSanitizer\RequestSanitizer;

class EditUserRequest extends RequestSanitizer
    protected $sanitizeEntries = true; // default value
    protected $exceptFromSanitize = ['user.phone_number']; // except the phone number from the sanitizing treatment in order to keep the phone number first zero (example : 0240506070)
    protected $excludeNullEntries = true; // default value
    protected $exceptFromNullExclusion = ['user.company_name']; // is kept in the request keys even if its value is null
    protected $safetyChecks = ['user.newsletter.subscription' => 'boolean', 'user.permissions' => 'array']; // will make sure that the declared keys will be returned with a default value if not found in the request

     * Execute some treatments just after the request creation
    public function before()
        // execute your custom request treatments here
        $this->merge(['formatted_date' => Carbon::createFromFormat('d/m/Y H:i:s', $this->input('user.created_at')->toDateTimeString()]);

     * Set the validation rules
     * @return array
    public function rules()
        return [
            // other rules ...
            'user.phone_number'             => 'required|string',
            'user.company_name'             => 'nullable|string|max:255',
            'user.newsletter.subscription'  => 'required|boolean',
            'user.permission'               => 'required|array',
            'formatted_date'                => 'required|date|format:Y-m-d H:i:s'



  • protected $sanitizeEntries = true

    Recursively sanitize the request entries.
    To check how data will be sanitized, check the used package : https://github.com/Okipa/php-data-sanitizer.
    Declare this property to false to disable the request entries sanitizing.

  • protected $exceptFromSanitize = []

    Except the declared keys (dot notation accepted) from the request entries sanitizing.
    It can be a good option when you have numbers beginning with a zero that you want to keep that way, for example.

  • protected $excludeNullEntries = true

    Recursively exclude all the null entries from the request.
    Declare this property to false to disable the null entries exclusion.

  • protected $exceptFromNullExclusion = []

    Except the declared keys (dot notation accepted) from the null entries exclusion.

  • protected $safetyChecks = []

    Set which request keys (dot notation accepted) should be safety checked, according to their types.
    Use case : protected $safetyChecks = ['active' => 'boolean', 'permissions' => 'array'];.
    Accepted types values : boolean / array.
    The keys declared in this array will take the following values (according to their declared types) if they are not found in the request :

    • boolean : false
    • array: []

Public methods

  • before()

    This package gives you the opportunity to declare this method in your request.
    It will be executed before all the request attributes treatments.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.