
A customizable toggle switch button generator for Laravel that enables you to simply display it on your projects pages.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Package abandonned in profit of https://github.com/Okipa/laravel-bootstrap-components package.

Source Code Latest Version Total Downloads License: MIT Code Coverage Scrutinizer Code Quality

A customizable and configurable toggle switch button generator for Laravel that enables you to simply display it on your projects pages.

Laravel Toggle Switch Button



  • V1 : composer require okipa/laravel-toggle-switch-button:^1.0.0
  • V2 : composer require okipa/laravel-toggle-switch-button:^2.0.0

For Laravel >=5.4 only

Add the package service provider in the register() method from your app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php :

// laravel toggle switch button
// https://github.com/Okipa/laravel-toggle-switch-button

Styles import

  • Load the package SASS or CSS file from the [path/to/composer/vendor]/okipa/laravel-toggle-switch-button/styles directory to your project.


Since the toggle switch button implements the Htmlable interface, just call it this way in your blade file :

{{ toggleSwitchButton()
    ->checked(old('active') or $model->active)
    ->icon('<i class="fas fa-power-off"></i>')
    ->label('Activation') }}


Public methods See the available public methods in the ToggleSwitchButton class

Customize styles

If you use CSS, just override the package styles.

If you use SASS, you can override the following variables before the package SASS file import. Check the following example for a bootstrap use :

// bootstrap 4 example
$toggle-switch-button-label-background-color: $input-group-addon-bg;
$toggle-switch-button-label-border-color: $input-group-addon-border-color;
$toggle-switch-button-label-font-size: $font-size-base;
$toggle-switch-button-unchecked-background-color: $input-group-addon-border-color;
$toggle-switch-button-checked-background-color: $primary;
$toggle-switch-button-label-border-radius: $btn-border-radius;
@import '[path/to/composer/vendor]/okipa/laravel-toggle-switch-button/styles/styles';

Customize templates

Publish the package blade templates file in your project :

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=toggle-switch-button::views

Then, change the content from your resources/views/vendor/components/switch-button.blade.php file.
