
Zerosync-StarkNet Proof Verification Toolkit

Primary LanguageCairo

Zerosync-StarkNet Proof Verification Toolkit

This toolkit facilitates the verification and validation of the Zerosync protocol on StarkNet. You can verify Bitcoin blockchain on StarkNet any time by yourself.


Install Cairo Lang

Execute the following commands to install the Cairo language and its dependencies:

cd cairo-lang
pip install --upgrade pip
zip -r cairo-lang-0.12.0.zip cairo-lang-0.12.0
pip install cairo-lang-0.12.0.zip
pip install aiofiles colorama
cd ../


Compile increment_batch.cairo file

Compile your Cairo file increment_batch.cairo into JSON format:

cairo-compile increment_batch.cairo --output increment_batch.json --no_debug_info --proof_mode

Confirm Valid Program

Ensure your program is valid by verifying its hash:

python hash_program.py increment_batch.json

The output should match the expected hash: 0x1ff70c9838765d61370402a62551f9c00518efbfa098f882b285f0db646943b as specified in the Zerosync demo here.

Confirm Valid Program Bootloader Hash

Verify the bootloader hash of your program:

python hash_program_bootloader.py --program increment_batch.json

The output should be: 0x34400f14ac9c420fb903fcf409cebaf1adca6c2ac4405c743d480fb6a07b9e2.

Download Zerosync Proof Pair

Retrieve the Zerosync proof pair for validation:

curl https://zerosync.org/demo/proofs/latest/air-public-input.json > air-public-input.json
curl https://zerosync.org/demo/proofs/latest/aggregated_proof.bin > aggregated_proof.bin

Parse Sandstone Binary Proof to Cairo Compatible Format

Convert the Sandstone binary proof to a Cairo-compatible format:

cargo +nightly run --release --manifest-path header_chain_parser/Cargo.toml aggregated_proof.bin air-public-input.json increment_batch.json increment_batch_proof.json proof

Compile Incrementer and Bootloader

Compile the incrementer and bootloader:

python setup.py

Verify Proof Locally with Bootloaded Incrementer and Prove Its Execution

Verify the proof locally with the bootloaded incrementer and prove its execution:

python bootloader_increment_batch.py

Verify Bootloader proof of execution on StarkNet

Parse and send proof to StarkNet Cairo1 verifier:

cd starknet
cargo run --release < ../stone-prover/e2e_test/bootloader_proof.json > calldata && ./call_contract.sh
cd ../