This repository hosts example modules built and maintained by PrestaShop. These modules demonstrate usecases useful for developers willing to customize the software.
Module name | Description | Minimum version |
api_module | This example module demonstrates how to modify PrestaShop's new API. | v9.0.0 |
demo_grid | This module demonstrates how to use Grid in PrestaShop 1.7.7+ | v1.7.7 |
democonsolecommand | Example module showing how to implement a Symfony console command | v1.7.7 |
democontrollertabs | Demo Creating modern Controllers and associate Tabs to them | v1.7.7 |
demodoctrine | This module demonstrates how to use Doctrine entities in PrestaShop 1.7.7 and above | v1.7.7 |
demoextendgrid | This module demonstrates how to insert an additional row action to existing grid and how to register javascript in admin controller | v1.7.7 |
demoextendsymfonyform1 | Learn using identifiable object and grid hooks. | v1.7.6 |
demoextendsymfonyform2 | This module demonstrates how to insert an "upload image" input field inside the Symfony form managing "Edit a Supplier" page and how to use DoctrineORM to manage the database state of a custom object | v1.7.7 |
demoextendsymfonyform3 | This example demonstrates demonstrates the usage of CQRS pattern and hooks | v1.7.6 |
demoextendsymfonyform4 | This example demonstrates demonstrates the usage of CQRS pattern and hooks | v9.0.0 |
demoextendtemplates | This is example module explaining various extendability options of templates | v8.0.0 |
demoformdataproviders | This module illustrates FormDataProviderData and FormDataProviderDefaultData hooks | v8.0.0 |
demojsrouting | This module illustrates how to use Javascript Router component in a module | v1.7.7 |
demomoduleroutes | This module illustrates using the moduleRoutes hook in a module. | v8.0.0 |
demomultistoreform | This module demonstrates how to make your forms multistore compatible in your module, in a CRUD context. | v1.7.8 |
demooldproductpagehooks | This module illustrates the hooks on the old product page. | v1.7.8 |
demooverrideobjectmodel | Example module showing how to override an ObjectModel (in this case the manufacturer) and add a custom field in the database table. | v1.7.7 |
demoproductextracontent | Example module to add extra content to the product page on the front office | v1.7.0 |
demoproductform | This is an example module explaining various extendability options in product page form | v8.1.0 |
demoproductform2 | This is an example module explaining various extendability options in product page form | v9.0.0 |
demosymfonyform | This module demonstrates how to use existing PrestaShop Symfony form types inside a new page. | v8.0.0 |
demosymfonyformsimple | In this module, you will learn how to utilize Symfony form types to create configuration pages for your module. This module has been created by following a guide from the developer documentation. | v8.0.0 |
demovieworderhooks | This module was created in order to demonstrate how to use the new hooks introduced with the new "View an Order" back office page in PrestaShop 8.0.0 and below. | v1.7.7 |
demowsextend | This module adds a resource managed by ObjectModel to the WebService. | v1.7.8 |
example_module_mailtheme | Example module to add a Mail theme to PrestaShop. | v1.7.6 |