
How to run application

You can easly run docker application by running:

docker-compose up -d

If you are using MacOS you can use Mutagen:

mutagen project start

How to remove application

On Linux use command:

docker-compose down -v

On MacOs:

mutagen project terminate

Database credentials

Credentials are saved in .env file. Postgres port 5432 is bind to your local machine, so host for database is localhost, if you want to connect eg. from PhpStorm.

Running tests

First you need to load test data for functional testing:

docker-compose exec php bin/database/load-test-data --env=test

Then you can run tests:

docker-compose exec php bin/phpunit --testdox


This is simple messaging microservice application. You can send messages by multiple technologies/services. If one options is not available, the other option is chosen.

Technology stack

  • PHP8
  • Symfony 5
  • Postgres 13
  • Nginx


  • Postgres database chosen for quick development, I would use MongoDB instead if I had time. I think it suits the job better. I created repositories as interfaces, doctrine repositories are implementing the methods, so it could be easily switched to other DB.
  • I didn't choose CQRS pattern to split read and writes in the system. This is something that I would concern if I would write "real world" application, but it mostly depends on the business needs.
  • I omitted authentication and authorization processes, for rapid development purposes.
  • User entity could be changed as the input data for the send message request, but for this project I chose that this data would be part of the microservice.
  • I did not have enough time to create real message sender. So I created dummy implementation of it LoggerSender. It implements the interface of the sender.
  • I created a draft of the Twilio sender class: \App\Application\Service\TwilioMessageSender