This smart contract DApp built on the Internet Computer Platform using TypeScript and the Azle framework. The frontend is built using the React.js web UI library.
Authentication is managed by the Internt Identity canister, while transactions are managed by the Ledger canister.
Anyone can create and donate to campaigns. However, campaign creators cannot donate to their own campaigns. When campaigns are created, they have a Maximum Time To Live
of seven (7) days, after which they are deactivated. Deactivated campaigns cannot be donated to. A Campaign has a minimum donation amount, but can accept donations above or equal to that amount, but not below it.
- Start the Local Internet Computer network by running
dfx start --background
- Deploy the Local Ledger Canister
npm run deploy-ledger
- Deploy the local Internet Identity Cannister
npm run deploy-identity
- Deploy the DApp (backend canister and frontend UI)
npm run gen-deploy:local
After the deployments, visit the url in the terminak that looks the one below
Frontend canister via browser