
Questioner helps the meetup organizer prioritize questions to be answered. Other users can vote on asked questions and they bubble to the top or bottom of the log.

Primary LanguageHTML


Questioner helps the meetup organizer prioritize questions to be answered. Other users can vote on asked questions and they bubble to the top or bottom of the log.

Build Status Coverage Status Heroku


  1. Admin can create meetups.
  2. Users can create an account and log in.
  3. Users can post questions to a specific meetup.
  4. Users can upvote or downvote a question.
  5. Questions are sorted based on the number of upvotes a question has, which helps the meetup organizer(s) to prioritize questions most users are interested in.
  6. Users can post comments to a specific question.


Routes Description
POST /api/v1/meetups Create meetup record.
GET /api/v1//meetups Fetch all meetup records
GET /api/v1//meetups/id/ Fetch a specific meetup record.
GET /api/v1/meetups/upcoming/ Fetch all upcoming meetup records.
POST /api/v1/meetups/id/rsvps Respond to meetup RSVP.
POST /api/v1/questions Create a question for a specific meetup.
PATCH /api/v1/questions/id/upvote Upvote (increase votes by 1) a specific question
PATCH /api/v1/questions//downvote Downvote (decrease votes by 1) a specific question.
POST /api/v1/users/signup Create a new user record.
POST /api/v1/users/login Returns an existing user record.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo
  2. cd into it
  3. Run npm install to add dependencies
  4. Run npm start
  5. Open the browser and navigate to the port at which the app is running.


Node.js -Runtime Environment


Olufowora Ibrahim Oladimeji


  • Node-js tutorial- Mosh Hamedani
  • Stack overflow community
  • Andela Cycle 40 Bootcamp colleagues
  • Node.js Articles on Medium
  • Tutorials point