
Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


A Flutter package for adding authentication to your application. This package offer the client the ability to call the signup, signin, logout functions and also check currently logged in user. This is package can be used in any HNG task involving authentication.


To use this plugin, add hng_authentiction as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:hng_authentication/authentication.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final TextEditingController nameController = TextEditingController();
    final TextEditingController emailController = TextEditingController();
    final TextEditingController passwordController = TextEditingController();

    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Authentication Example',
      routes: {
        '/': (context) => RegistrationForm(
              emailController: emailController,
              successRoutePage: '/home', 
              nameController: nameController, 
              passwordController: passwordController, // Use the route name here
        '/home': (context) => const Home(), // Define a route for Home
      initialRoute: '/',

class Home extends StatefulWidget {
  const Home({super.key});

  State<Home> createState() => _HomeState();

class _HomeState extends State<Home> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return const Placeholder();

class RegistrationForm extends StatefulWidget {
  late final TextEditingController nameController;
  late final TextEditingController emailController;
  late final TextEditingController passwordController;
  final String successRoutePage;
  String btnText;
  Color btnColor;

    required this.nameController,
    required this.emailController,
    required this.passwordController,
    required this.successRoutePage,
    this.btnText = 'Submit', // Provide a default button text
    this.btnColor =
        Colors.green, // Allow the button color to be null (optional)

  _RegistrationFormState createState() => _RegistrationFormState();

class _RegistrationFormState extends State<RegistrationForm> {
  bool _obscurePassword = true;
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final screenWidth = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;

    return Scaffold(
      body: SafeArea(
        child: Padding(
          padding: EdgeInsets.only(
            left: screenWidth * 0.04,
            right: screenWidth * 0.04,
            top: 20,
            bottom: 0,
          child: SingleChildScrollView(
            child: Column(
              crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
              children: [
                const SizedBox(
                  height: 20,
                  "Create Account",
                  style: GoogleFonts.lato(
                    textStyle: const TextStyle(
                      letterSpacing: .5,
                      fontSize: 20,
                const SizedBox(
                  height: 10,
                const SizedBox(
                  height: 20,
                  hintText: "Username",
                  controller: widget.nameController,
                const SizedBox(
                  height: 20,
                  hintText: "Email Address",
                  keyboardType: TextInputType.emailAddress,
                  controller: widget.emailController,
                const SizedBox(
                  height: 20,
                  hintText: "Enter Password",
                  obscureText: _obscurePassword,
                  controller: widget.passwordController,
                  isPass: true,
                  icon: IconButton(
                    icon: Icon(
                          ? Icons.visibility_off
                          : Icons.visibility,
                      color: const Color.fromRGBO(115, 106, 185, 1),
                    onPressed: () {
                      setState(() {
                        _obscurePassword = !_obscurePassword;
                const SizedBox(
                  height: 20,
                  hintText: "Confirm Password",
                  obscureText: _obscurePassword,
                  validator: (val) {
                    if (val?.isEmpty ?? true) {
                      return 'Please enter your password';
                    } else if ((val?.length ?? 0) < 6) {
                      return 'Password is not up to 6 characters';
                    } else if (((val?.length ?? 0) >= 6) &&
                        ((val ?? "") != widget.passwordController.text)) {
                      return "Password texts don't match";
                    } else {
                      return null;
                  // controller: widget.passwordController,
                  isPass: true,
                  icon: IconButton(
                    icon: Icon(
                          ? Icons.visibility_off
                          : Icons.visibility,
                      color: const Color.fromRGBO(115, 106, 185, 1),
                    onPressed: () {
                      setState(() {
                        _obscurePassword = !_obscurePassword;
                const SizedBox(
                  height: 20,
                  width: double.infinity,
                  height: 50,
                  child: ElevatedButton(
                    style: ButtonStyle(
                      backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all<Color>(
                    onPressed: () async {
                      final email = (widget.emailController).text;
                      final password = (widget.passwordController).text;
                      final name = widget.nameController.text;
                      final authRepository = Authentication();
                      final data =
                          await authRepository.signUp(email, name, password);
                      if (data != null) {
                        // Registration failed, display an error message

                            context, Colors.black, 'SignUp successful');
                        print('sign up Email >>> ${data.email}');
                        print('sign up id >>> ${data.id}');
                        print('sign up created at >>> ${data.createdAt}');
                      } else {
                        print('errror:   eeeeeee');
                        showSnackbar(context, Colors.red, 'SignUp ERROR');
                    child: Text(
                      style: GoogleFonts.lato(
                        textStyle: const TextStyle(
                          letterSpacing: .16,
                          fontSize: 16,
                          fontWeight: FontWeight.w400,
                          color: Colors.white,