
A collection of useful functions for creating dynamic webpages with Common Lisp

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp


different helper function and utilities that are useful for many sorts of websites or web applications, facilitating the use of

Tasks [4/8]

see if we can get a nicer error template

[2014-04-27 So 12:37] file:~/Projekte/web-utils/hunchentoot-helpers.lisp::(defun error-code (&optional (code hunchentoot:+HTTP-NOT-FOUND+))

replace navbar-inverse

[2014-08-11 Mo 08:38] file:~/Projekte/web-utils/bootstrap-helpers.lisp::(:div :class “navbar navbar-fixed-top” :role “navigation”

don’t set first navbar item active

[2014-08-12 Di 07:54] file:~/Projekte/web-utils/bootstrap-helpers.lisp::`(:li ,@(if active ‘(:class “active”))

determine how to set the active item of the navbar

provide bootstrap styling for the web applications overview

[2014-08-12 Di 07:59] file:~/Projekte/web-utils/hunchentoot-helpers.lisp::(defun show-available-applications ()

perhaps remove the documentation link?

or just list it in a different way?

we actually need to handle all # links on the page

[2014-08-13 Mi 11:34] file:~/Projekte/web-utils/js-utils.lisp::;; remove the active mark

use scroll state of the page to highlight navbar items

move styling into a CSS file

[2014-08-13 Mi 17:47] file:~/Projekte/web-utils/bootstrap-helpers.lisp::(:ul :class “list-unstyled” :style “margin-left: 4em”

support for breadcrumbs in register-web-application

file:~/Projekte/web-utils/hunchentoot-helpers.lisp::(defun register-web-application (name root-url)