
Search Image Project

In this project, I created an app with React framework. It fetches images from the API and renders on the UI in an ordered form. I used React.createRef() to get the clientHieght of each image and used it to give it a nice grid-row-end.

Built With

  • React
  • Semantic UI
  • Unsplash API
  • CSS

Live Demo

Live Demo Link(vercel)

Getting Started

To run a local copy of this project follow these simple steps.


  • Any web browser (e.g. Google Chrome)
  • Any Code Editor (e.g. Vscode)

Cloning the repository

  • Create a new folder.
  • Open your console in the new folder and run this command: https://github.com/Olamarx/search-react-app.git.
  • Run this command on your terminal to install all the dependencies: npm i.
  • Finally, run this command to start a local server of the project: npm start.


👤 Owoeye Olaoluwa (Olamarx)

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.