Title - Pig Dice Game

Screenshot of Pig Dice Game


This is a simple Pig Dice game implementation. Two players take turns rolling a die, adding the score to their current total, and trying to reach a target score (usually 100). The first player to reach the target score wins!


  • Players take turns rolling a die.
  • Current score is displayed for each player.
  • Players can hold their score and switch turns.
  • Winning condition is checked.
  • New game functionality to reset scores and visuals.
  • How to Play:

Clone or download the repository.

  • Open the HTML file in your web browser.
  • Click the "New Game" button to start a new game.
  • Click the "Roll Dice" button to roll the die and add the score to your current total.
  • Click the "Hold" button to hold your current score and switch turns.
  • The first player to reach 100 points wins the game!

Technologies Used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript


No installation required. Just open the HTML file in your web browser.


See "How to Play" section above.


[Cloud Codes]


Feel free to fork this repository and submit pull requests with your improvements!