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Aim: The purpose of this project is to analyze the US 2015 flight delay dataset to create a report based on the findings. Some of the questions answered in this project are;
- Which airlines or airports have the worst delays?
- What cities had the highest flight delay and does the population of a city have enhance flight delay?
- What day of the week and month had the most flight delays? Application Used: Tableau
About the datasets: The dataset used consists of the US 2015 flight delay and cancellation data. It was collected and published by the DOT's Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Kaggle ( There are a total of 3 csv files;
- airlines.csv
- airports.csv
- flights.csv.
Some of the variables I used in this project are;
- Cities
- States
- Countries
- Airlines
- Origin Airport
- Destination Airport
- Day of week
- Month
- Departure Delay
- Arrival Delay,
- e.t.c
Methodology: The analysis and dashboard were completed in Tableau.
26% of the states in the US were responsible for 71% and 76% of departure and arrival delays in 2015, respectively. With respect to the cities, Aspen (3,369), Trenton (3,302) and McAllen (3,177) had the highest number of departure delays (minutes).
Similarly, Trenton, Aspen and McAllen also had the highest nuber of arrival delay, with a total of 3151,2700 and 2593 respectively.
Average monthly flight is 22,914, and there is a consistent trend in the number of monthly departure flights between 23,901 to 26,313. June, February and December had the highest average departure delays with values of 14,12 and 12 minutes respectively.
Although, this was not influenced by the number of monthly flights. October for instance had a total of 26,313 flights, with an average of 8 minutes departure delay. A similar trend was pbserved in the arrival flights.
With respect to the day of the week, Sunday had the highest average departure (7 minutes) and arrival (11 minutes) delays and it also has most weekly flights; a total of 41,016 flights on Sundays, in 2015. (refer to the visualization for more insights.)
Please click the link below to interact with the full dashboard.