Magisk Repo Submissions

This is the place for developers to submit their Magisk Module to the Magisk-Modules-Repo.


  1. Please read the full documentation. You are expected to have decent knowledge to both Magisk and git in order to do a submission
  2. Create a new Github repository in your personal account, and push your module files to the repo. If you do not want to start from scratch, start with forking or cloning the magisk-module-template and add your files there
  3. Only the master branch will be visible to the user! If you are using the module template, you have to manually create the master branch. Submissions with no master branch will not be accepted!
  4. File a request by creating an issue. All requests are handled automatically by a small server (the code is available in this repo). The title of the new issue should start with [Submission], and you should provide a GitHub link (no other site support for now, sorry) of your own module's repository.
  5. A collaboration invitation will be sent to your email, please accept it so you have permissions to update your repo.

Remove a Module

Once you accepted the invitation for collaboration on GitHub, you have admin permission; this means you can delete it yourself via GitHub.


  • After you accepted the invitation, you should update your module directly to the repo on Magisk-Modules-Repo, NOT your personal repo! Once your repo is successfully cloned to Magisk-Modules-Repo, you can delete the one on your account afterwards since it will no longer be used.
  • Every time you finish upgrading your repo, increase the versionCode in module.prop. Magisk Manager compare this value with the local installed module to determine whether an update is available.