Tutorial 36 - TEXT Scrollers
OldSkoolCoder : Tutorial 36
This repository shows how to make simple to more complex TEXT Scrollers.
This festive mini series (Xmas 2019) will go through the development and thought processes that come with trying to build these types of subroutines.
Episode List :
- Week 1 : TEXT scroller writtern in BASIC
- Week 2 : Conversion of this BASIC Language TEXT scroller into 6502 assembly
- Week 3 : Hi-Resolution Smooth Text scroller in Assembly Language (as BASIC was WAY TOOO SLOW!!! lol)
- Week 4 : Smooth scrolling text scroller in Assembly utilising the VIC II inbuilt scrolling attributes.
- Week 5 : Interrupt driven text scrolling on the C64 using the hardware smooth scrolling aspects of the VIC II Chip.