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XOpenGLDrv: Enhanced OpenGL Renderer for Unreal Engine 1

This repository hosts the source code for XOpenGLDrv. Smirftsch originally wrote this renderer for Unreal 1, but it has since been ported to other games such as Unreal Tournament. The main purpose of this repository is to give developers a convenient way to contribute to XOpenGL. We do not intend to publish binaries here. The games XOpenGLDrv supports include XOpenGL binaries in their patches. For example:

  • OldUnreal's patches for Unreal include XOpenGL and can be downloaded here

  • OldUnreal's patches for Unreal Tournament also include XOpenGL and can be downloaded here

Build Instructions


You should clone this repository into the root folder of the game you want to build XOpenGLDrv for. You should also ensure that you've installed the latest SDK for your game.

Build Options

This repository contains two Visual Studio project files: one for Unreal 227, and one for Unreal Tournament 469. Building XOpenGLDrv for those two games should be fairly straightforward. Just open the Visual Studio project file and build the Release or Debug configuration.

If you are building for Unreal Tournament 469 and you've installed the 469 SDK, you can also delete the XOpenGLDrv folder that came with the SDK, and replace it with a clone of this repository. Afterward, you should be able to build XOpenGLDrv using the CMake project file included in the SDK.


XOpenGLDrv can be configured by editing the [XOpenGLDrv.XOpenGLRenderDevice] section in the game ini. The following settings are currently available:

  • UseVSync [Default: Adaptive, Possible Values: On, Off, Adaptive]: Enables or disables vertical synchronization. VSync synchronizes the game's frame rate with the monitor refresh rate. Setting VSync to Off improves the game's responsiveness, but it can lead to screen tearing. Setting VSync to On eliminates screen tearing, but leads to higher input lag and potential stuttering. Adaptive VSync attempts to offer the best of two worlds (no screen tearing and no stuttering), but it requires a compatible GPU and monitor.

  • RefreshRate [Default: 0, Type: Integer]: If set to a non-zero value, XOpenGL will attempt to set the monitor refresh rate to the configured value when switching to fullscreen mode. This setting only works on Windows.

OpenGL Settings

  • OpenGLVersion [Default: Core, Possible Values: Core, ES]: Selects the OpenGL profile. GPUs for embedded and mobile devices generally only support the ES profile, whereas desktop GPUs can often use both.

  • ShareLists [Default: True, Type: Boolean]: Setting this to true allows different instances of XOpenGL to share texture resources. This leads to lower overall resource consumption in Unreal Editor, but has no effect in-game.

  • UseBufferInvalidation [Default: False, Type: Boolean]: If set to true, XOpenGL will tell the GPU (driver) when it can safely discard the contents of a rendering buffer. Setting this option to true can improve rendering performance for certain GPUs and GPU drivers.

Brightness and Gamma Correction

  • GammaMultiplier [Default: 1.0, Type: Float]: Applies gamma correction to game viewport. We currently do this by multiplying the game's brightness. Setting GammaMultiplier to values larger than 1.0 increases overall brightness. Values below 1.0 reduce overall brightness.

  • GammaMultiplierUED [Default: 1.0, Type: Float]: Applies gamma correction to editor viewport. We currently do this by multiplying the game's brightness. Setting GammaMultiplierUED to values larger than 1.0 increases overall brightness. Values below 1.0 reduce overall brightness.

  • GammaOffsetScreenshots [Default: 0.7, Type: Float]: Applies gamma correction to in-game screenshots. Contrary to the aforementioned viewport gamma correction, our screenshot gamma correction applies a non-linear correction to the image. Higher values lead to stronger corrections.

  • AlwaysMipmap [Default: False, Type: Boolean]: If set to true, XOpenGL will automatically create mipmaps for high-resolution textures that were saved as single images (without lower-resolution mips). Enabling this option can improve the game frame rate, but cause some minor stuttering.

  • GenerateMipMaps [Default: False, Type: Boolean]: If set to true, XOpenGL will only upload the highest-resolution image of each mipmap to the GPU, and it will use the GPU to generate the lower-resolution mips. Enabling this option can be useful when you're rendering textures that were saved with bad mipmap filters.

  • OneXBlending [Default: False, Type: Boolean]: If set to true, XOpenGL will reduce the LightMap intensity for level geometry by 50%. This matches the behavior of the original Direct3D 7 Renderer.

  • ActorXBlending [Default: False, Type: Boolean]: If set to true, XOpenGL will increase the light intensity for meshes by 50%. This makes meshes appear much brighter.

Texture Detail

  • LODBias [Default: 0, Type: Float]: Changes the level of detail for textures applied to distant surfaces and objects. Higher values increase the level of detail. Lower values decrease it. We recommend keeping the default setting.

  • DetailMax [Default: 2, Type: Integer]: Sets the number of detail textures. If set to a non-zero value, this setting can increase the level of detail on certain meshes and surfaces. Detail texturing does, however, reduce the game frame rate.

  • MacroTextures [Default: True, Type: Boolean]: If set to true, XOpenGL will apply macro textures to applicable surfaces and meshes. Macro textures can improve the level of rendering detail for large surfaces (such as terrain). Disabling macro textures can (slightly) improve rendering performance.

  • BumpMaps [Default: True, Type: Boolean]: If set to true, XOpenGL will apply bump map textures to applicable surfaces and meshes. Bump maps create an illusion of depth on object surfaces, but were not widely used in vanilla content for Unreal and Unreal Tournament. Disabling this option can (slightly) improve rendering performance.

  • ParallaxVersion [Default: Disabled, Possible Options: Disabled, Basic, Occlusion, Relief]: If enabled, XOpenGL will apply parallax height maps to applicable surfaces. Parallax mapping gives surfaces more apparent depth and looks vastly more realistic than bump mapping. None of the vanilla content for Unreal and Unreal Tournament used parallax mapping.

Anti-Aliasing and Texture Filtering

  • UseAA [Default: True, Type: Boolean]: If enabled, XOpenGL will use Multisampling Anti Aliasing (MSAA). MSAA improves image quality by smoothing jagged edges. It does, however, reduce the game's frame rate. We recommend disabling this option on lower-end GPUs.

  • NumAASamples [Default: 4, Type: Integer]: Sets the number of MSAA samples. Higher values lead to stronger smoothing and, therefore, better image quality. Lower values lead to worse image quality but better frame rates. This setting has no effect if UseAA is set to False. NumAASamples is subject to hardware limitations. The typical minimum value is 2. The typical maximum value is 16.

  • NoAATiles [Default: True, Type: Boolean]: If set to true, XOpenGL will not apply MSAA to 2D tiles such as HUD elements. You will probably want to keep this option enabled!

  • NoFiltering [Default: False, Type: Boolean]: If set to true, XOpenGL will disable texture filtering. Texture filtering makes distant objects appear sharper, but also decreases the game's frame rate.

  • UseTrilinear [Default: True, Type: Boolean]: If set to true, XOpenGL will use trilinear texture filtering. If set to false, XOpenGL will use bilinear filtering. Trilinear filtering improves image quality, but (slightly) reduces the game frame rate.

  • MaxAnisotropy [Default: 4.0, Type: Float]: Sets the number of anisotropic filtering samples. If set to values higher than 0.0, XOpenGL will use anisotropic texture filtering. Anisotropic filtering produces even sharper images than trilinear filtering by accounting for the camera viewing angle. Higher values will increase the number of anisotropic samples and will lead to sharper images. Lower values decrease sharpness but improve frame rates. As with MSAA, anisotropic filtering is subject to hardware limitations. Typical GPUs support 2, 4, 8, or 16 anisotropic samples.

Debugging Options

For expert users only! If XOpenGL does not work (well) on your system, these options can help you figure out what is wrong. We recommend that you keep these options set to their default values. Non-default values can massively reduce rendering performance!

  • UseOpenGLDebug [Default: False, Type: Boolean]: If set to true, XOpenGL enables the OpenGL driver's debug extension. This makes the driver run sanity checks on all OpenGL commands and report errors in the game if necessary.

  • DebugLevel [Default: 2, Type: Integer]: Sets the verbosity level for the OpenGL debug extension. If you set this option to 3, XOpenGL will report all warnings and errors. This option has no effect if UseOpenGLDebug is set to false.

  • NoBuffering [Default: False, Type: Boolean]: If set to true, XOpenGL will immediately flush all rendering buffers and issue rendering calls after processing a call by the game's rendering subsystem.

  • NoDrawComplexSurface [Default: False, Type: Boolean]: If set to true, XOpenGL will not render BSP surfaces.

  • NoDrawGouraud [Default: False, Type: Boolean]: If set to true, XOpenGL will not render any of the gouraud meshes that are rendered via the DrawGouraudPolygon API.

  • NoDrawGouraudList [Default: False, Type: Boolean]: If set to true, XOpenGL will not render any of the gouraud meshes that are rendered via Unreal 227's DrawGouraudPolyList or Unreal Tournament 469's DrawGouraudTriangles APIs.

  • NoDrawTile [Default: False, Type: Boolean]: If set to true, XOpenGL will not render any tiles through the DrawTile API.

  • NoDrawSimple [Default: False, Type: Boolean]: If set to true, XOpenGL will not render any lines and shapes through APIs such as Draw2DLine.

Game-Specific Options

These options only apply to specific games. XOpenGL will ignore these options in other games:

  • UseHWClipping [Default: True, Type: Boolean, Supported Games: Unreal 227]: If set to true, XOpenGL will ask the rendering subsystem not to pre-clip mesh faces on the CPU. This setting improves rendering performance, and should be supported on all GPUs XOpenGL can feasibly run on.

  • UseEnhancedLightmaps [Default: True, Type: Boolean, Supported Games: Unreal 227]: If set to true, XOpenGL will ask the rendering subsystem to apply high-resolution lightmaps to applicable surfaces. This setting improves image quality but may (slightly) reduce performance.

  • UseBindlessTextures [Default: True, Type: Boolean, Supported Games: Unreal 227, Unreal Tournament 469]: If set to true, XOpenGL will attempt to render textures without binding them to a texture unit. This increases rendering throughput and performance, but requires a somewhat modern GPU. If the GPU does not support bindless textures, XOpenGL will automatically disable this option while the game/editor is running.

  • UseShaderDrawParameters [Default: True, Type: Boolean, Supported Games: Unreal 227, Unreal Tournament 469]: If set to true, XOpenGL will attempt to pass the parameters for every draw call in a shader storage buffer object (SSBO). This allows XOpenGL to issue multiple rendering commands without having to synchronize with the GPU. UseShaderDrawParameters typically increases rendering throughput and performance, but requires a modern GPU. If the GPU does not support SSBOs, XOpenGL will automatically disable this option while the game/editor is running.

  • UseLightmapAtlas [Default: True, Type: Boolean, Supported Games: Unreal Tournament 469]: If set to true, XOpenGL will ask the rendering subsystem to merge all lightmaps into a single atlas texture. This option can massively increase rendering performance and lower overall resource consumption. It also makes XOpenGL use far fewer bindless textures.

Experimental Options

These options control features we're still working on:

  • UsesRGBTextures [Default: False, Type: Boolean]: If set to true, XOpenGL will use an sRGB frame buffer to render to.

  • SimulateMultiPass [Default: False, Type: Boolean]: Enables multipass rendering.

Bug Reports

If you discover any bugs in XOpenGLDrv, then please report them via the Unreal or Unreal Tournament bug trackers if possible.


We invite you to contribute new features and bug fixes to XOpenGLDrv. Please submit your contributions as pull requests.
