
Primary LanguageTypeScript


This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.0.4.


  • NodeJS v7.10.
  • AngularCLI 1.0.4
  • tableauwdc-2.0.latest.js
  • Web Data Connector Simulator 2.0
  • Tableau Desktop 10.1.4

Tableau Web Data Connector Simulator 2.0

To test the Tableau Web Data Connector capabilities download and run the simulator from here http://tableau.github.io/webdataconnector/docs/ (just follow the instructions)

Testing App in Tableau Simulator

Run ng serve for a dev server. Run npm start inside the Tableau Simulator directory. Enter http://localhost:4200/ inside Connector URL.

Tableau Desktop 10.1.4

Download and install Tableau Desktop version 10.1.4 from here https://www.tableau.com/support/releases/desktop/10.1.4

Testing App in Tableau Desktop 10.1.4

Start Tableau and goto Web Data Connector then enter http://localhost:4200/ tableau-error application is running.

First click on the tableau button and then after the tableau-error app redirects to the TableauComponent press the submit button which will be visible.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.