
Matrix Instant Messaging scheme for Rebol3

Primary LanguageRebol

Gitter Zulip


Matrix Instant Messaging scheme for Rebol3


This is just an initial implementation so far, but the basic use is:

import %path/to/matrix.reb
;; or if installed in module's directory just:
;import 'matrix

;; initialize a client's context:
bot: open [scheme: 'matrix token: "YOUR-MATRIX-ACCESS-TOKEN"]

;; join some room using a room id:
write bot [join "!LxIlYCUAqqzszxUrPA:matrix.org"]

;; list joined rooms:
pick bot 'joined-rooms
;== ["!LxIlYCUAqqzszxUrPA:matrix.org" "!BifvPgwpwksfzMeZoh:gitter.im" "!tSZtAQLOQBHwBTWPop:gitter.im"]

;; send a message to a room using its id:
write bot [room "!LxIlYCUAqqzszxUrPA:matrix.org" send "Hello!"]

;; once the room is set, it is possible to send messages using just:
write bot ["Is anybody out there?" "I am so lonely!"]