
Javascript library for 2d geometry

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Javascript library for 2d geometry

flatten-js is a javascript library for manipulating abstract geometrical shapes like point, vector, line, segment, circle, arc and polygon. Shapes may be organized into Planar Set - searchable container which support spatial queries.

flatten-js provides a lot of useful methods and algorithms like finding intersections, checking inclusion, calculating distance, applying affine transformations, performing boolean operations and more.

Library consists of several packages, published under scope @flatten-js/:

Name Description
@flatten-js/core Basic classes and operations
@flatten-js/interval-tree Interval binary search tree
@flatten-js/boolean-op Boolean operations
@flatten-js/polygon-offset Polygon offset

NOTE: Package flatten-js is not supported and will be deprecated soon.

Packages are distributed in 3 formats: commonjs, umd and es6 modules. Package.json file provides various entry points suitable for different targets.

TypeScript users may take advantage of static type checking with typescript definition file index.d.ts included into the package.

flatten-js does not concern too much about visualization. Anyway, all classes have svg() methods, that returns a string which may be inserted into SVG container. This works pretty well together with d3js library. But it is definitely possible to create bridges to other graphic libraries.

The best way to start working with FlattenJS is to use awesome Observable javascript interactive notebooks. There are several tutorials published in Observable Notebooks, see below.

Full documentation may be found here: https://alexbol99.github.io/flatten-js/index.html


Follow me on Twitter @alex_bol_


npm install --save @flatten-js/core


import {Point, Vector, Circle, Line, Segment, Arc, Box, Polygon, Matrix, PlanarSet} from '@flatten-js/core';

It is possible to import Flatten namespace as default import, and then destruct all classes from it.

import Flatten from '@flatten-js/core'
const {Point, Vector, Circle, Line, Segment, Arc, Box, Polygon, Matrix, PlanarSet} = Flatten;

Some classes have shortcuts to avoid annoying new constructor:

import {point, vector, circle, line, segment, arc, ray, matrix} from '@flatten-js/core';


After module imported, it is possible to create some construction:

    // extract object creators
    import {point, circle, segment} from '@flatten-js/core';

    // make some construction
    let s1 = segment(10,10,200,200);
    let s2 = segment(10,160,200,30);
    let c = circle(point(200, 110), 50);
    let ip = s1.intersect(s2);

You may test the code above also in NPM RunKit


Getting Started Messing Around
Planar Set polygons