MUSIC-APP-TEST_TASK was bootstrapped with Create React App.


Available Scripts

In the project directory, you need run:

npm i

to install required modules


npm start

to start the app

To build the completed project into a stand-alone web page:

  1. Use additional app.
  2. Find location (page) where you would like to place a content.
  3. Pass your current domen where the app is run using iframe tag with src attribute.
  4. Set styles for frame-border, width and height.
  5. Final result should look like this: <iframe src="http://localhost:3000" frameBorder="0" style={{ width: '100%', height: '100vh' }}></iframe>

For to run an app as widget atteahed an additional app:

  1. Run current app (MUSIC-APP-TEST_TASK) on localhost:3000 with npm start.
  2. Run the attached app on localhost:3001 with the same command. When you get a message "Something is already running on port 3000. Probably: music-app-test-task" type Y and press Enter to run the second app on localhost:3001.