
Simple project to test Elasticsearch with Django, build on docker.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Django Elasticsearch Example

Simple project to test Elasticsearch with Django, build on docker.

WARNING! This project is only for local testing, it's not prepared for deployment into remote server.


  • Docker
  • Docker-compose

Getting Started

Steps to build, load data from fixtures and run project:

  1. cd to root of project
  2. docker-compose build
  3. docker-compose run --service-ports --rm django python manage.py bootstrap
  4. docker-compose up

To test Elasticsearch in shell run these commands:

  1. docker-compose up
  2. docker-compose exec django python manage.py shell

Examples of usage

cars = CarDocument.search().query('match', color='black')
for car in cars:

cars = CarDocument.search().extra(size=0)
cars.aggs.bucket('points_count', 'terms', field='points')
result = cars.execute()
for point in result.aggregations.points_count:


Check out article to this project: https://sunscrapers.com/blog/how-to-use-elasticsearch-with-django/
