Web Page CV Project

This is a personal web page project showcasing my professional journey, skills, and accomplishments. Designed to be visually appealing and informative, this web CV provides an interactive and engaging experience for visitors.

  • Key Features: Responsive Design: The CV is designed to be accessible and user-friendly on various devices, ensuring a seamless experience for all users.

  • Skills Showcase: Highlighting my technical skills, expertise, and proficiency in relevant technologies.

  • Experience Timeline: A chronological representation of my professional journey, showcasing growth and accomplishments over time.

  • Projects Portfolio: Featuring notable projects I have worked on, with detailed descriptions and links to GitHub repositories or live demos.

  • Educational Background: Providing information about my academic qualifications and achievements.

  • Acknowledgments: I am grateful for the mentorship and guidance of my esteemed teachers:

  • Nir Kaufman: A seasoned professional with a wealth of experience in frontend Development, Nir Kaufman's insights have been invaluable in shaping my understanding and approach to code semantics and peopleware.

  • David Meir: An expert in backend Development, David Meir has been a mentor who has not only shared knowledge but also instilled a passion for Java Script and he teached me how to Convert coffee to code.

How to Use: Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/OlegArtMotion/personal-cv.git

Open index.html in your preferred web browser. Feel free to explore, provide feedback, and connect with me for further discussions or collaboration opportunities.