Godot CSharp Extension

Here is some extensions, which can be useful, especially if you're switching from Unity.

All of these extensions is a subject to change, since now I'm only exploring a Godot APIs and can miss smth.

How to install

Download sources and drop it to your project folder. Possible, in future it will be made as plugin, but now there is no need to do it this way.

Add using InsaneOne.GodotExt; at start of your scripts, which use extensions.

Physics Extensions

Raycast 2D and 3D

Godot original API returns a Dictionary, which is kinda weird for C# users. You can use RayCast nodes, but for me it looks not a good solution. So, now there is API to Raycast like in Unity:

var viewport = GetViewport();
var from = new Vector2(0, 50);
var to = new Vector2(50, 50);
var hit = new RaycastHit2D(); // you can cache it once and reuse for periodic raycasts
if (PhysicsExt.Raycast2D(viewport, from, to, ref hit)) // also supports collision mask
  GD.Print(hit.Node); // Node2D of the hitted collider

// short usage
var hit = new RaycastHit2D();
if (PhysicsExt.Raycast2D(GetViewport(), new Vector2(0, 50), new Vector2(50, 50), ref hit))
  // do something

// 3d version
var hit = new RaycastHit3D();
if (PhysicsExt.Raycast3D(GetViewport(), new Vector3(0, 1, 0), new Vector3(2, 3, 5), ref hit))
  // do something

Raycast from the game camera:

var hit = new RaycastHit3D();
var vp = GetViewport();
if (PhysicsExt.RaycastFromCamera3D(vp.GetCamera3D(), vp.GetMousePosition(), ref hit))
  // do smth

Transform extension

In class, extends Node2D, you can now use this.GetUp() and this.GetRight() to get a node direction vector (like Unity transform.up), instead of usage of BasisXform.

Same extensions was made for Node3D, but I recommend to use Basis instead.
