
akka-http server & client with circle ci, deployed onto heroku

Primary LanguageScala

Build Status


  • This is a Currency Conversion system implementation of the requirements described here;
  • Live app is deployed on heroku here:
      {"fromCurrency": "GBP","toCurrency":"EUR","amount":100}
    • responds with json body:


Libraries, Frameworks & Plugins

API Behaviour

It's behaviour is defined by the API Integration test found here.

The test output is:

[info] RestApiTest:
[info] restApi should
[info] - respond with HTTP-200 OK when submitting valid currency conversions
[info] - respond with HTTP-404 Not Found for a non existing path
[info] - respond with HTTP-405 Method Not Allowed for a non supported HTTP method
[info] - respond with HTTP-400 Bad Request in case of an InvalidCurrencyException
[info] - respond with HTTP-502 Bad Gateway in case of a RatesApiException
[info] - respond with HTTP-404 Not Found in case of a CurrencyNotFoundException
[info] - respond with HTTP-500 Internal Server Error in case of a generic Exception

Run application

To run application, call:

sbt run

If you wanna restart your application without reloading of sbt, use:

sbt re-start