An example of GraphQL server built with sangria, http4s and circe which compiles and runs as a GraalVM native image.
The creation of the native image is done entirely with sbt. The only requirement is docker. In order to make it possible to build a native image in any environment, I created this docker container which is used by the sbt build:
All packaging logic can be found in the packaging.sbt
, including 2 sbt tasks: nativeImage
and nativeImageDocker
In order to compile a native image, just run:
sbt nativeImage
It will create an image in target/native-image/sangria-http4s-graalvm-example
If you would like to also create a local docker container with this application image, just run:
sbt nativeImageDocker
it will create a local docker container which you can run like this:
docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 sangria-http4s-graalvm-example server
The scala application itself has a following usage:
Usage: sangria-http4s-graalvm-example command [arguments..]
Following commands are available:
server Start the GraphQL server
query <GRAPHQL_QUERY> Execute provided query and exit
So you can experiment with both: a CLI tool and http4s-based server.
When server is started, GraphiQL is available under http://localhost:8080 and the GraphQL endpoint itself is available under http://localhost:8080/graphql.