API Specs Docs Crawler

This project is an API specs documentation crawler that extracts endpoints and their descriptions using Crawlee & Playwright. It supports three common types of API specs documentation: individualPages, singlePage, and singlePageSections.


  • Crawls API documentation to extract endpoints and their descriptions
  • Supports three types of API specs documentation: individualPages, singlePage, and singlePageSections
  • Utilizes Crawlee & Playwright for efficient and robust crawling
  • Configurable via parameters to customize the crawling behavior

Supported API Specs Types

1. individualPages

In this type, each endpoint has its own dedicated page. The crawler visits each page and extracts the endpoint and its description.


Supported Parameters

  • globs: List of globs to include in the crawling. Default: []
  • globs_exclude: List of globs to exclude from the crawling. Default: []
  • selectors.name: In case of individual pages with multiple endpoints, this selector is used to extract the endpoint name.
  • selectors.delimiter: In case of individual pages with multiple endpoints, this delimiter is used to split the endpoint section.

2. singlePage

In this type, all endpoints are listed on a single page. The crawler visits the page and extracts the endpoints and their descriptions.


Supported Parameters

  • selectors.name: Selector to extract the endpoint name.
  • selectors.delimiter: Delimiter to split the endpoint section.

3. singlePageSections

In this type, all endpoints are listed on a single page but divided into sections. The crawler visits the page and extracts the endpoints and their descriptions.


Supported Parameters

  • selectors.section: Selector to extract the section name.
  • selectors.delimiter: Selector to extract the endpoint name.