

Generally this project combines Next.js router, apollo prefetching with SSR. Testing was out of scope, but I still added a few tests for demonstration purposes.

I didn't go hard with Application Architecture since the app is a small and it's makes sense to apply more advanced refactorings incrementally



This project is using Next.js and Apollo with experimental package for Next.js + Apollo


  • Use of React: The application should be written in React using functional components and hooks.
  • TypeScript: All code should be written in TypeScript.
  • Apollo Client: Apollo Client should be used for interacting with the GraphQL API.
  • UI/UX: The UI should be simple and clean, with minimal styling.
  • Validation: Add validation for the fields used in post editing.
  • Documentation: Write brief documentation on how to run the application and describe its main components.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The application should display a list of posts fetched from the server.
  • Clicking on a post should open an input field for editing the post's text.
  • Changes to the post's text should be automatically saved.
  • The application should correctly handle the situation when the page is closed before the data is sent.


To run the project you must have Node.js installed You need to install packages

npm install

To run application in development

npm run dev

To run app for demo/production mode

npm run serve

To run tests

make sure your app is up and running

npm run e2e:local