OpenId Connect Example in ASP.Net Core

  1. download and install .net sdk if you don't have a Visual Studio

  1. register your applications in Google, Facebook and Github (redirect url is /google-signin) (redirect url is /facebook) (redirect url is /github)

  1. edit Startup.cs, put your clientIds and clientSecrets

  2. edit Scripts\index.ts, put your google client id

  3. open the OpenIdConnectInDotNetCore\WebApplication6\Scripts in console

run "npm init" command (install nodejs if this command doesn't exist)
run "npm install -g webpack"
run "webpack"
  1. run the application you can run from Visual Studio or open the folder "C:\temp\OpenIdConnectInDotNetCore\WebApplication6" in command line and run "dotnet run ." command.

open /Home/ (for Authorization Code Flow) or /Home2/ (for Implicit flow)