
Primary LanguageC#

Yet Another Grid Router for Selenium

The product was inspired by a GGC and Yandex GR. Both turned to be not quite friendly for .NET-ters so here you go.

Running router

The project is currently under heavy development.

  • setup selenoid instances
  • update src/appsettings.json with your solenoid hubs
  • run the router using
cd src
dotnet run


Yarg allows to configure setting via appsettings.json file, by command line and env variable. E.g. Router/timeout setting in the file can be passes as --router:timeout=0:0:10 as well.

Example of configuration file:

  "Router": {
	"timeout": "0:0:45",
	"maxtimeout": "1:30",
	"sessionretrycount": 1,
	"sessionretrytimeout": "0:0:10",

	"Hosts": [
      { "HostUri": "http://andreye.dw.local:4444/wd/hub",
        "Limit": 4,
        "Browsers": [
          { "Name": "chrome",
            "DefaultVersion": "77",
            "Versions": [
              { "Number":  "77", "Platform": "" }
      { "HostUri": "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub/",
        "Limit": 3
      { "HostUri": "http://localhost:4445/wd/hub/",
        "Limit": 0

Router settings:

  • timeout (default value is 60s) - session timeout. If there's no activity for such period the session is terminated and resources are released.
  • maxtimeout (1h) - maximal allowed timeout if defined in caps
  • limit - maximal allowed number of sessions. Set to 0 to temporary remove the host from router.
  • SessionRetryCount (3) - number of attempts to start a new session
  • SessionRetryTimeout (0:0:30) - interval between session start retries

Yarg handles changes to hosts list and reloads the configufation dynamically.