Laravel payment processor package for WayForPay gateway

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Accept payments via WayForPay ( using this Laravel framework package (Laravel).

  • receive payments, adding just the two callbacks

Laravel >= 5.5.*, PHP >= 7.2


Require this package with composer.

composer require "maksa988/laravel-wayforpay"

If you don't use auto-discovery, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php


Add the WayForPay facade to your facades array:

'WayForPay' => Maksa988\WayForPay\Facades\WayForPay::class,

Copy the package config to your local config with the publish command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Maksa988\WayForPay\WayForPayServiceProvider"


Once you have published the configuration files, please edit the config file in config/wayforpay.php.

  • Create an account and merchant on
  • Add your project, copy the merchantAccount, merchantAccount, merchantSecretKey params and paste into config/wayforpay.php
  • After the configuration has been published, edit config/wayforpay.php


This package using official WayForPay SDK for PHP. You can find a full description and content of the classes used by this package in the official SDK repository - wayforpay/php-sdk

1. Purchase

Purchase request is used to effect payment with client on the protected wayforpay site.

Official documentation -

The method purchase() allows you to prepare data for a widget or form. And also you can get an array with data to build your form.

$order_id = time(); // Payment`s order ID
$amount = 100; // Payment`s amount

$client = new \Maksa988\WayForPay\Domain\Client('John', 'Doe', '');

$products = new \Maksa988\WayForPay\Collection\ProductCollection([
    new \WayForPay\SDK\Domain\Product('iPhone 12', 10, 1),


$data = WayForPay::purchase($order_id, $amount, $client, $products)->getData(); // Array of data for using to create your own form.
$form = WayForPay::purchase($order_id, $amount, $client, $products)->getAsString($submitText = 'Pay', $buttonClass = 'btn btn-primary'); // Get html form as string

You can get JS code for widget ( using getWidget method after call purchase method.

$widget = WayForPay::purchase($order_id, $amount, $client, $products)->getWidget($callbackJsFunction = null, $buttonText = 'Pay', $buttonClass = 'btn btn-primary'); // Get html form as string

2. Charge

Charge request is used for quick payment making in one action. It is performed within the limits of single-staged pattern.

The result of request processing is the withdrawal of monetary assets from client’s card.

Official documentation -

The method charge() allows you to send request for charge operation and get object of response.

$card = new \Maksa988\WayForPay\Domain\Card('5276999765600381', '05', '2021', '237', 'JOHN DOU');
$cardToken = new \Maksa988\WayForPay\Domain\Card('1aa11aaa-1111-11aa-a1a1-0000a00a00aa');

You can use \Maksa988\WayForPay\Domain\Card::class instead of WayForPay\SDK\Domain\Card and or WayForPay\SDK\Domain\CardToken. This class simplify input card and card token using one class. When you put only first argument, this card defined as card-token. If you are put all arguments, this be defined as bank card.

$response = WayForPay::charge($order_id, $amount, $client, $products, $card);
$response = WayForPay::charge($order_id, $amount, $client, $products, $cardToken);

echo "Status: ". $response->getTransaction()->getStatus();

3. Check Status

Check Status request is used for checking of payment status on orderReference.

Official documentation -

The method check() allows you to send request for check status of your order using order id.

$order = WayForPay::check($order_id)->getOrder();

echo "Status: ". $order->getStatus();

4. Refund

Refund request is to be used for making of assets refund or cancellation of payment.

Official documentation -

The method refund() allows you to send request for refund of payment.

WayForPay::refund($order_id, $amount, $currency, $comment)->getTransactionStatus();

5. Create invoice

The present API allows to issue invoices to the clients for payment for goods/services.

Official documentation -

The method createInvoice() allows you to create invoice.

$invoice = WayForpay::createInvoice($order_id, $amount, $client, $products);

$url = $invoice->getInvoiceUrl();
$qrCode = $invoice->getQrCode();

6. Complete 3DS

In case of merchantTransactionSecureTtype= 3DS, there is initially performed the checking of the card for participation in 3d secure program. If the card supports 3D Secure verification the system Wayforpay will return the parameters for authentication of the client. With these parameters the merchant has to transfer the client to url of issuer for authentication. The time during which the session for verification is active - 10 minutes. If within 10 minutes COMPLETE_3DS will not be obtained the system will cancel transaction as unsuccessful.

$response = WayForPay::complete3ds($authTicket, $d3Md, $d3Pares);


7. Handle payment

You can use handle payment process using service url at WayForPay. And using controller at Laravel with this package you can handle payment.

For handle request from wayforpay you should create controller and action. In the action you should use method handleServiceUrl().

In the first argument you should put array of request data or Arrayble class. In the second argument you should put Closure what be called when payment is success, and this function will be passed two parameters: Transaction object and Closure using for create success response.

// Controller action

public function handle(Request $request)
    return WayForPay::handleServiceUrl($request, function (\WayForPay\SDK\Domain\Transaction $transaction, $success) {
        if($transaction->getReason()->isOK()) {

            // Payment confirmation process and etc...

            return $success();

        return "Error: ". $transaction->getReason()->getMessage();


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please send me an email at instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.