Travel Agency Demo application

Source code in this repository is to support a Spring Sate Machine presentation. The idea behind the project is to show how SSM can be used to implement a Distributed Saga and orchestrate a business transaction spanning multiple microservices.

The presentation can be found here: Orchestrating transactions over Microservices with Sagas and Spring Statemachine

Implementation notes

  1. The project is implemented as a multi-module maven project to simplify development (in real life I would expect that each service is implemented by a separate team as a standalone project, or perhaps it is 3rd party services, and BOM to be defined on the organization/tribe level that reflects common versions of the most important dependencies. It also can be the case that BOM is not used at all).
  2. DTOs are implemented separately in each service. In real life it may be implemented as a schema registry (if there is a centralized API management), or by each team independently.
  3. DTOs are oversimplified. They do not represent real business objects and are needed just to represent the data flows.


The workflow is set up in the following way:

  • book a flight, if it is successful:
  • book a hotel, if it is successful:
  • book a car, if it is successful:
  • if it is successful, return the overall result,
  • if there is an error on any of the stage, try cancelling previous bookings and return 'not found'.

Value of parameters and overall result:

flightCode hotelName carName Result
KL0000 TULIP INN Fiat NOK, cancel on a flight
KL1009 Some Hotel Fiat NOK, cancel on a hotel after the flight is booked
KL1009 TULIP INN NOT Fiat NOK, cancel on a car after the flight and the hotel are booked

How to run

Option 1

  • Navigate to the ./docker folder and run > docker-compose up there. It will spin up ActiveMQ, Zipkin and MySQL
  • Run travel-agency-eureka service
  • Wait a minute before the services will spin up
  • Run travel-agency-config-server
  • Run travel-agency-api-gateway
  • Run hotel-reservation-service
  • Run flight-reservation-service
  • Finally, run travel-agent-service

Option 2

WIP. Please note, the following steps are in WIP phase and not available yet

  • TODO: build docker images for all services in the project
  • TODO: Navigate to the ./docker folder and run > docker-compose with docker-compose-all.yml up there.
  • Wait a couple of minutes until the system will spin up all services


Infrastructural services

Service name Port Comments
travel-agency-eureka 8761 Service Discovery
travel-agency-api-gateway 9090 API Gateway
travel-agency-config-server 8888 Externalized configuration
Zipkin 9411 Distributed tracing
ActiveMQ 8161, 61616 JMS
Mongo 27017
Mongo Express 8091 Mongo Admin UI

Business Services

Service name Port Comments
hotel-reservation-service 8081 Hotel Reservation Service
flight-reservation-service 8082 Flight Reservation Service
car-rental-service 8083 Car Rental Service


Service name Port Comments
travel-agent-service 8080 Orchestrator