Proxy Scraper

This very simple and performant actor scours various different free-proxy websites and scrapes all of them. Then, optionally, it can test each of those proxies for you on a specified target and timeout, then only return back the proxies which pass the test.


Name Type Description
testProxies boolean Whether or not to run tests on each proxy. The tests are quite fast.
testTarget string The website you'd like to test the proxies on. This can affect output. Default ""
testTimeout number Timeout for every single test request in seconds. Default 15, max 30
datasetName string An optional custom name for the actor's dataset. Learn more about named storages here. If a custom dataset name is provided, the data from the actor will be pushed into the named one instead of its default one.
kvStoreName string An optional custom name for the actor's key-value-store (only has an effect if pushToKvStore is set to true)
pushToKvStore boolean The option to push JSON and .TXT formatted proxies list to a named key-value-store. If kvStoreName is not set, the default name will be free-proxy-store


    "testProxies": true,
    "testTimeout": 7,
    "testTarget": "",
    "kvStoreName": "reliable-proxies-store",
    "pushToKvStore": true,
    "datasetName": "test-dataset"


The output will be an array of objects looking like this:

  "host": "", // string
  "port": 8080, // number
  "full": "" // string

What's happening under the hood?

  1. All of the current proxies from these free proxy resources are added to the request queue (with certain filters applied):
  1. Each site is scraped, and the results are stored temporarily in a global state

  2. Each scraped proxy is tested by making a request to a target URL specified by you with a specific timeout set. If the request fails, the proxy is removed from the list.

  3. All duplicate results are cleaned from the list.

  4. The proxies are finally pushed to the dataset.