Pinned Repositories
A program allows to create somewhat similar to tabular interface to the graphviz and can be used for learning and researching.
A library to deal with SoX effects and possibilities Can be used to get access to different SoX possibilities
Helps to order the 7 or less words (or their concatenations) to obtain somewhat suitable for poetry or music text. Can be also used as a research instrument with generalized functions.
Helps to create experimental music from a file (or its part) and a Ukrainian text. It can also generate a timbre for the notes. Uses SoX inside.
Example source code and textual files for usage for (of) package dobutokO2 (
Program that reads Ukrainian text using eSpeak and SoX.
A library with less dependencies that can be used for multiple Ord a => a -> b transformations. A library that can be used as a 'case ... of' construction analogue for the multiple Ord a => a -> b transformations and data representation. Uses "GHC.Arr" internally. If you use the module in GHCi, then, please, run the interpreter with the flag -fobject-code.
A program can be used as a musical instrument synthesizer or for Ukrainian speech synthesis especially for poets and writers
Simplified and somewhat optimized version of the phonetic-languages-examples. Is intended to use more functionality of lists and subG package.
Some extension to the Foldable and Monoid classes. Introduces a new class InsertLeft -- the class of types of values that can be inserted from the left to the Foldable structure that is a data that is also the Monoid instance. Also contains some functions to find out both minimum and maximum elements of the finite Foldable structures.
OleksandrZhabenko's Repositories
A program can be used as a musical instrument synthesizer or for Ukrainian speech synthesis especially for poets and writers
Allows to estimate (somewhat to say, evaluate) the rhythmicity metrices for the text (usually, the Ukrainian poetic one, but it can be extrapolated to other ones). Inspired by the ancient Greek and Latin poetry.
A generalization of the functionality of the uniqueness-periods-vector package. Is intended to use more Data.Vector functionality.
Generalization of the dobutokO-poetry-general package functionality. Can be used to rearrange 7 sublists in the list to obtain somewhat more suitable list for some purposes.
The library is intended to print updated messages on the terminal screen. Some functions to print updated messages on the same line on the terminal screen and a set of pure functions to specify interesting variants to control such functions.
Helps to create experimental music. Working with frequencies and types. Can be used for applying the SoX "synth" effect and frequency modulation.
Helps to order the 7 or less Ukrainian words (or their concatenations) to obtain somewhat suitable for poetry or music text. Can be also used as a research instrument with generalized functions.
Helps to order the 7 or less words (or their concatenations) to obtain somewhat suitable for poetry or music text. Can be also used as a research instrument with generalized functions.
Helps to create more complex experimental music from a file (especially timbre). Uses SoX inside.
Helps to create experimental music. Uses SoX inside. Uses SoX fade (in a special 2D way) and frequency modulation. Provides a special representation for the composition.
English version of my site
The library that can be used for multiple (Ord a) => a -> b transformations
A library that can be used for multiple Hashable a => a -> b transformations
Various additional operations on lists (some with intermediate Monads). A small library to deal with a little bit more complex operations on lists than Data.List module
A musical instrument synthesizer or a tool for Ukrainian language listening. A program can be used as a musical instrument synthesizer or for Ukrainian speech synthesis especially for poets and writers. Uses arrays and .ul RAW sound file formats and SoX inside. Since the version it supports reading from the file and multiline input.
Modifies the amplitudes of the Ukrainian sounds representations created by mmsyn7ukr package. A program and a library to modify the amplitudes of the Ukrainian sounds representations created by mmsyn7ukr package or somehow otherwise.
Shows a sorted list of the Ukrainian sounds representations that can be used by mmsyn7 series of programs. A program and a library that show a sorted list of the Ukrainian sounds representations that can be used by mmsyn7 series of programs
A library for working with periodic polynomials (very basic functionality). Provides also simple tools to make a numerical function a periodic (or somewhat similar) one
A generalization of the uniqueness-periods-vector-examples functionality. Is intended to use more functionality of the Data.Vector, Data.Foldable, Data.Monoid and Data.SubG modules.
Commonly used versions of the phonetic-languages-common package. Permutations-related to produce universal set of the task.
Some common shared between different packages functions. Among them are the uniqueness-periods-vector series.
A simplified version of the phonetic-languages-functionality. Tries to use only necessary functionality and reduce the other one.
Simplified and somewhat optimized version of the phonetic-languages-examples. Is intended to use more functionality of lists and subG package.
A generalization of the uniqueness-periods-vector-properties package. Is a simplified version of the functionality of the former one. Uses lists as main processment data. Uses Double whenever applicable.
Prepares Ukrainian text to be used as a phonetic language text. Applies needed minimal grammar connections so that the text afterwards can be processed by dobutokO-poetry related programs
My website code on Github Pages.
Can be used to produce the 'uniquenessPeriods' function and related functionality.
Some kind of the optimization approach to data inner structure. Generalization of the functionality of the dobutokO-poetry-general-languages package